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Head Over to My Broadcast Radio Station - Monitoring HF Maritime and Other HF Utility Comms

Friday, 26 December 2008

Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race 2008

That time of year again, I've been broadcasting the primary race frequency and making recordings of the Radio Skeds for Position and Safety, hope you all enjoy and we'll see how the race goes :)

Radios and QTH Background
The primary race frequency 6516khz has been clear as bell since I've been testing my new setup at the Canberra QTH preparing for remote controlling the radio from Brisbane via internet.

Beside the normal bastard of a Shortwave Station that starts broadcasting on 6518khz from 2155 AEST until 0805 AEST the next morning I was fairly happy with the results.

However things went to custard sometime from Xmas-eve and Boxing Day morning, when I logged on to monitor the audio on 6516khz, I was getting blasted with a S2-S4 electrical RFI. Since I'm in Brisbane, I was unable to diagnose or locate the possible source of RFI, except to come to the conclusion that one of the bloody neighbours must have got a new present / device for xmas and has plugged it in and now causes +/- 500khz from 6500 to have a very annoying RFI. All other frequencies I've scanned on the Icom R75 are clear of this RFI noise.

I put up with it for the first day as the fleet when broadcasting could be fairly easily be heard over the RFI. However the next morning when preparing for the 0735 AEST sked, HF propagation between the S2H fleet and the Canberra QTH fell through the floor (and has remained that way through out the race so far!) and had to resort to the Sony ICF-SW7600GR Portable and the Brisbane Special homemade inverted V antenna. This gave me enough signal to monitor the race when the Canberra QTH was crap, and visa-versa Canberra QTH was perfect for the 4483khz frequency.

S2H Radio Schedules

20081226 20:05 Position Report - (Listen Here)

20081226 21:15 Yacht Georgia sinking - Pan Pan / Mayday

Part 1 - 2008-12-26 21:13 AEST (~47mins 10 Mb) - (Click Here)
(NB at 21:55 AEST Shorwave Station starts broadcasting on 6518 kHz, it a pain in the ARSE!!!!
and the station does not stop broadcasting till 0805 AEST following morning.
Not much I can do about it, got the R75 Filters and DSP tuned / configured as best
as I could to filter the station out.)

Part 2 - 2008-12-26 22:00 AEST (~60mins 12 Mb) - (Click Here)

Part 3 - 2008-12-26 23:00 AEST (~15mins 3 Mb) - (Click Here)

20081227 00:05 Safety Report - (Listen Here)

20081227 07:35 Position Report - No recordings, nothing heard from QTH Canberra except for the annoying interfering Shortwave Station broadcasting on 6518khz since 2100 to 0900, I was however able to hear them on the Sony Portable with a small hookup wire from hear in Brisbane, but was not able to setup any recording via the laptop in time. I'm, going to set up the Brisbane Special inverted V antenna and hook it up to Sony as a backup and get this recording issue sorted.

20081227 12:05 Weather Report - (Nothing of interest and HF was still fairly poor)

20081227 17:35 Position Report - Canberra QTH was a wash out after two afternoon storm came through the region / area (God I hope the house is ok, heard on the news this morning there was flash flooding)

20081228 00:05 Safety Report - Good signal, nothing of interest a few of the yachts that did not report position earlier came in nice and strong.

20081228 07:35 Position Report

- Audio from Sony SW76000GR - Located at Brisbane - (Click Here)

- Audio from Icom R75 - Located at Canberra - (Click Here)


Friday, 12 December 2008

Christmas Songs

Having put up the Chrissy lights the other day, I've noticed that while listening to the local radio stations, the lack of feel good Christmas songs especially the traditional one I use to remember when I a fair bit younger :) So with a quick google, I found a website "Christmas Songs" list of Christmas songs, and thought I'd go through them as link them as usual to a video clip from YouTube:

  1. A Baby Just Like You - John Denver

  2. All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth - Spike Jones

  3. Blue Christmas - Elvis Presley

  4. Christmas Dinner

  5. Christmas For Cowboys - John Denver

  6. Christmas In Killarney

  7. Deck the Halls

  8. First Christmas - Stan Rogers

  9. Frosty the Snow Man - Nat King Cole

  10. Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer - The Irish Rovers, Dr. Elmo

  11. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Frank Sinatra

  12. Here Comes Santa Claus

  13. Holly Jolly Christmas - Burl Ives

  14. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - Jessica Simpson

  15. It's the most wonderful time of the year - Andy Williams

  16. I'll Be Home For Christmas - Frank Sinatra

  17. Jingle Bell Rock - Bobby Helms

  18. Jingle Bells - Bing Crosby & Frank Sinatra

  19. Jolly Old Saint Nicholas - The Ray Conniff Singers

  20. Let It Snow - Dean Martin

  21. Mary, Did You Know? - Kenny Rogers and Wynonna Judd

  22. Merry Christmas Darling - The Carpenters

  23. Must Be Santa - Mitch Miller & The Gang

  24. Nuttin' For Christmas

  25. O Christmas Tree (Has many Versions - Very funny)

  26. Pine Cones And Holly Berries

  27. Rocking around the Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee

  28. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer - Gene Autry

  29. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - Bruce Springsteen

  30. Silver Bells - Dean Martin , Johnny Mathis

  31. Sleep Well, Little Children - Kristin Chenoweth

  32. Sleigh Ride - Andy Williams, The Ronettes

  33. Tennessee Christmas - Amy Grant

  34. The Christmas Song - Nat King Cole

  35. The Little Drummer Boy - BING CROSBY & DAVID BOWIE

  36. The Night Before Christmas

  37. The Twelve Days of Christmas - John Denver - Muppets Christmas

  38. Up On the Housetop - Gene Autry

  39. We Wish You A Merry Christmas

  40. White Christmas - Bing Crosby

  41. Winter Wonderland - Bing Crosby


O Come All Ye Faithful - Nat King Cole

Silver Bells

Wow !!! Thats enough for tonight :) Hope you enjoy the version / cover of each popular Christmas Songs listed above......

Merry Christmas Everyone !!


Saturday, 6 December 2008

Frequencies 6th-December-2008

Using Icom R75 - Slinky Dipole, QTH: Canberra

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
13362 0855 45544 USA AFRTS
5765 0904 45544 USA AFRTS
7811 0905 45544 USA AFRTS
2310 0908 25222 AUS ABC
2325 0909 25223 AUS ABC
8743 0912 25443 ?? USB - Melody intro, clean frequency, but faint very faint voices talking.
4750 0917 23222 BGD Bangladesh Betar
6195 0922 22232 G BBC - (Thailand)
9740 0927 55545 G BBC - (Singapore)
6020 0930 55555 AUS R. Australia
6070 0932 34333 CHL Voz Cristiana
3330 0941 15331 CAN CHU
7335 0941 43333 CAN CHU
15555 0945 33333 AUS CVC International
13630 0948 15331 AUS CVC International
17820 0949 35544 AUS CVC International
17635 0951 22222 AUS CVC International
17710 0952 55545 D Deutsche Welle
21840 0954 25522 D Deutsche Welle
17520 0956 55545 D Deutsche Welle (Sign off 0958)
17510 0959 55555 IND All India Radio
5955 1005 43434 CHN China Radio Int.

9735 2000 55545 D Deutsche Welle (Tgt East Africa)
6075 2055 55545 RUS GTRK Kamchatka (Sign off at 2059)
11845 2127 55545 CAN Radio Canada Int. French (Tgt North Africa) Station ID 2130
17675 2132 45433 NZL Radio New Zealand Int.
7405 2143 22233 USA Voice of America. English (Loc KWT) (Tgt AFG) - Co Channeled against Arabic Singing / music / chanting

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Sony ICF7600GR Joins the Family

After returning the recently purchased DEGEN 1103 which was faulty with MAJOR overloading and MW coming through all of the HF band. I thought I better hedge my bets for XMAS and finally bit the bullet and bought the slightly (ok alot) more expensive Sony ICF76000GR Portable Shortwave from a USA Ebay Store. It arrived within 6 business day via UPS International Express Post safe and sound and what can I initially say.

Its different :) After getting use to the ergonomic layout of the DEGEN it took a couple of days for me to remember to press "DIRECT" button first then the frequency then ENTER. Unlike the DEGEN the keypad and a few other main buttons aren't light up and so it a little more awkward in the middle of the night to operate with no light. I do miss the jog dial that the DEGEN 1103 has, were as the Sony ICF7600GR using up/down buttons at +/-5hz or +/-1hz. But I knew of this before purchasing the radio and will put up with these little features :)

Apart from that, my initial feel for the SONY is yeah that little buggers does work pretty darn well. The SSB is definitely cleaner and the AM-SYNC well it seems to work. But I've only had a few short band scans with my new toy.

In regards to the DEGEN 1103 replacement, well it arrived the day after I got the Sony, and I quickly opened her up and ran through my test frequency and what a relief. I got a GOOD one, no sign of overloading on the HF and all the test frequencies worked fine.

When I get a bit of time, I'll do a little side by side comparison test, but my feel is I'll probably put the DEGEN 1103 in storage as a spare radio and utilise the Sony ICF7600GR as my primary portable since I've already had a good 18mth usage and fun from my previous DEGEN 1103.

Any ways better get back to the Maria Island 2008 race and other Maritime monitoring.


Maria Island Yacht Race 2008

Thought I would see if I could hear the Maria Island Yacht Race This year ( And after finding out that the race primary HF frequency was 2524 khz for all HF traffic, I wasn't confident of getting good reception.

Well after now hearing and recording the 2235 and 0535 sked's, its been tough. I definitely would prefer a primary HF frequency a little higher but hey still a worth the hunt, especially using the ICOM R75 DSP to block / filter the lightening Static Dump and RFI interference from near by sources.

The biggest disappointment was that I was able to hear Hobart Race Control/Check on about 75% copy Readability 3/5. However none of the yacht used HF to relay their position, instead utilised VHF ch81.

Here are the Skeds:

20081121 2235 - (Listen Here)

20081122 0535 - (Listen Here)

20081122 1135 - Nothing Heard (didn't expect to hear 2MHz during the day form hear)

20081122 1635 - Local severe QRM blanket whole HF spectrum S9+

20081122 2235 - A lot of yachts already crossed the line and a few retired, so a couple of position reports. Listen Here.

20081122 0535 - Final sked - Gives weather forecase and attempts to call 3 yachts. 2 do not respond. Listen Here.


Sunday, 26 October 2008

Frequencies 26-October-2008

Using Icom R75 - Slinky Dipole, QTH: Canberra

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
13725 0258 35544 IRN IRIB Teheran - Sirjan - STID and Sign off 0301
13740 0303 25333 IRN IRIB Teheran - Ahvaz
13780 0320 35333 CHN China Radio Int - Kumming
15195 0325 25333 J NHK Radio Japan - Female Singing and interview, then more singing.
15210 0329 45444 CHN China Radio Int.
15325 0330 25433 J NHK Radio Japan - Same broadcast as 15195
15350 0332 25333 CHN China Radio Int.
15490 0334 25333 ??? Asian Instruments
15720 0336 25222 NZL Radio New Zealand Int.
17615 0338 53455 ?? Can just hear R Free Asia in background under the jamming Asian Instruments.
17625 0340 35333 CHN CNR 2 China Business R.
17650 0341 15221 ?? Male presenter, European language
17710 0342 33333 CHN China Radio Int.
17715 0343 24332 IND All India Radio - Some QRM from 17710
17735 0345 35334 CHN Jamming Asian Instruments - can hear something in background.
17810 0346 25333 J NHK Radio Japan
9535 0350 35544 E Radio Exterior Espana - via Noblejas Spain
9600 0352 25222 CUB Radio Habana Cuba
9690 0359 35543 CHN China Radio Int. - via Noblejas Spain - Signed off
9690 0400 15331 ROU Radio Romania Int. - English - Female voice heard

12290 0404 15332 Maritime Distress - faint traffic heard.

DEGEN 1103 - Died after many hours of use


Just a short blurp to say that my DEGEN 1103 broke a few weeks back, which means I've now had it 18mths back. I actually bought two at the time, one for me and one for my brother, and his appears to be still going strong.

My ltitle radio broke in the strangest way, in that while on shortwave, any frequency I was that was ODD number, would be muted, while any frequency I was on that was EVEN was still fine. I opened it up to see if there was any obvious lose connection, but nothing obvious was found.

So Straight onto EBAY and ordered another one. Well it arrived few days back, and guess what ?? It sucked big time. I can only conclude that it faulty in that all through the shortwave band my local AM stations are ghosting very loudly and strongly, and that is just using the internal whip. When I plug in the external long wire antenna the overloading is even worse.

So I've contacted the ebay seller and without any hassles has indicated that he'll replace it with another one and swears that the radio was new from DEGEN. So come Monday I've parcel it up and ship it back.

Fingers crossed that the next one will be ok.


Monday, 6 October 2008

Frequencies 6-October-2008

Using Kenwood R1000 - Slinky Dipole, QTH: Canberra

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
9250 2015 25522 EGY Radio Wadi el-Nil
9280 2035 33333 ??? Arabic Chanting / Praying

Bugger the Topfield PVR5000t (Digital HDD recorder) has become a major source of spectrum noise. The power supply must be having issues. Need to see what I can do. For now if its plugged in and turned on you have a hum at about a beat a second. Turning it to stand by reduces the hum beat / cycle but still have a high noise level / floor. Unplugging it stopped the broad source of wide sprectrum noise. The wife ain't going to be happy with that one. Well while she is still having a sleep in, lets continue with the band scan :)

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
9370 2103 25422 USA WTJC Newport, NC - English male singing
9385 2110 35443 USA Radio Free Asia - Koren (via Northern Marianas)
9410 2114 25432 G BBC, (via Skelton Cumbria) Playing Classical Music
9420 2118 24433 GRC Voice of Greece
9450 2121 14321 USA Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. - Periodic singing /
music would come through.
9500 2127 23332 AUS Radio Australia - Co Channel with CRI with fading CRI
periodically comes through louder than R.Australia
9510 2133 35433 CHN CNR 2 China Business R.
9545 2135 35534 D Deutsche Welle (German)

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Jimmy Dean - Big Bad John

Normally when I think Jimmy Dean - "Big Bad John" is the first song of his that pops to mind immediately. That said this morning on the way into work I heard another one of his that I did not know he had done, and what drew my attention this this particular song was the mention of a JFK and a PT boat and the last last set of words of the song referring to " Anyopne named John is ok."

Well the song I'd heard was called "PT-109", have a listen its great :)

As I normally do, I love the feature of YouTube called "related Videoes", lets see what other Songs / Videos that YouTube takes me to:

  1. SINK THE BISMARCK ~ sung by Johnny Horton
  2. North To Alaska ~ Johnny Horton
  3. Jim Bridger ~ Johnny Horton
  4. Jimmy Dean - To A Sleeping Beauty
  5. Johnny Horton ~ Honky Tonk Man
Totally going off track a little :)

  1. The Royal Guardsmen - Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron
  2. The Royal Guardsmen - Return of the Red Baron
  3. The Royal Guardsmen - Snoopy's Christmas
Oh Another song that I heard this morning, and heard before and love it is "Lili Marleen" (Lale Andersen, English Version).

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Alison Krauss - What a voice !!!

One of my favourite all time movie is "O Brother, Where Art Thou?". This movie has a bucket load of great songs through out it, but a couple of these songs was done by a female voice that was enchanting and I've been meaning to look it up and thats what I've finally done - Her name is Alison Krauss and as I troll through youtube I see a stack load of her works and they are great: Here are some I've listened too and loved:

Alison Krauss - Down In The River To Pray
Alison Krauss-Gillian Welch - I'll Fly Away
Alison Krauss - When You Say Nothing At All
Alison Krauss-The Lucky One
The Chieftains & Alison Krauss - Molly Ban
Alison Krauss - The Boxer

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Frequencies 20-April-2008

khz    UTC    SINPO   Country      Station
5850 2137 45433 CAN Radio Canada Int. (French)
5885 2145 33333 CVA Radio Vaticana (Instrumental Music) ??
5915 2147 44444 ?? Under it list USA - "New Organisation", Languange unknown. Hmmm.
5975 2155 34433 RUS VOR
6065 2157 34444 SWEDEN Radio Sweden Intl - Had to use LSB AM had annoying adj. interference.
Faintly hear possibly China Fading In.

Friday, 11 April 2008

90's Memories / Flashbacks - Part 2

Well Its Friday night, nothing on the normal TV worth watching so back into the swing of things here and lets continue on with the 90's :)

1992 - (1992 Top 100 List)

1. Sir Mixalot - Baby got Back ( I like big butts )
2. Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last
3. Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven
4. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Bridge
5. Shanice - I Love Your Smile
6. Mr Big - To Be With You
7. Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy
8. Michael Jackson - Black Or White
9. Billy Ray Cyrus - Achy Breaky Heart
10. Guns N' Roses - November Rain
11. Tom Cochrane - Life Is A Highway
12. CeCe Peniston - Finally
13. Patty Smyth - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough
14. George Michael Elton John - Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
15. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
16. Sophie B. Hawkins - Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover
17. Technotronic - Move this
18. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
19. Shakespears Sister # 1 Stay
20. MC Hammer - 2 Legit 2 Quit
27. KWS - Please Don't Go
28. Michael Bolton - When A Man Loves A Woman
29. Genesis - I Can't Dance
30. Richard Marx - Hazard
31. U2 - Mysterious Ways
32. The Heights - How Do You Talk To An Angel
33. U2 - One
34. Genesis - Hold On My Heart
35. Arrested Development - People Everyday
36. Genesis - No son of Mine
37. Bryan Adams - Do I Have To Say The Words
38. The Cure - Friday I'm in love
39. Ugly Kid Joe - Everything About You
40. Bryan Adams - Thought I'd Died And Gone To Heaven
41. Snap - rhythm is a dancer
42. Richard Marx - "Take this Heart"
43. Charles and Eddie "Would I Lie To You"
44. Amy Grant - That's What Love Is For
45. Mr. Big - Just Take My Heart

1993 - (1993 Top 100 List)

1. Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
2. Tag Team - Whoomp! (There It Is)
3. UB40 - Can't Help Falling In Love
4. Mariah Carey - Dream Lover
5. Snow - Informer
6. Soul Asylum - Runaway Train
7. Billy Joel - The River Of Dreams
8. The Proclaimers - I Gonna Be (500 miles)
9. Spin Doctors - Two Princes
10. Arrested Development - Mr Wendal
11. Rod Stewart - Have I Told You Lately
12. Duran Duran - Ordinary World directors cut
13. Meat Loaf - I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)
14. Duran Duran - Come Undone
15. Ace Of Base - All That She Wants
16. 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
17. Bon Jovi -Bed of Roses
18. Aerosmith - Crying
19. Ugly Kid Joe - Cats In The Cradle
20. Cypress Hill - Insane In The Brain
21. Madonna - Rain
22. Inner Circle-bad boys
23. DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince - Boom Shake The Room
24. Inner Circle - Sweat (A La La La La Long)
25. Captain Hollywood Project - More and more
26. Haddaway - What is Love
27. Sting - Fields Of Gold
28. Green Jelly - three little pigs
29. Aerosmith - Living On The Edge
30. Sting - If I Ever Lose My Faith In You

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

90's Memories / Flashbacks

Well it official I just can't help myself..... After going over the top 100 songs of the last few years of the 80's I have to see how my tastes where in the 90's :)

Looking at the stats I liked 30 odd % of the listed Top 100 songs for 87, 88 and 89 hmmmmm very interesting. Stay Tuned as this is going to take me ages to do, but I got to do it, as it should highlight that Music of today is total SHIT!! so I'm hoping to see a major drop of in songs I like towards the end of the 90's especially.

1990 (High School, Year 8 - 1990 Top 100 List)

1. Wilson Phillips - Hold On
2. Roxette - It Must Have Been Love
3. Sinead O'Connor - Nothing Compares
4. Madonna - Vogue
5. Phil Collins - Another day in paradise
. Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory
7. Michael Bolton- How Am I Supposed To Live Without You
8. Technotronic - Pump Up The Jam
9. Paula Abdul - Opposites Attract
10. Heart - All I want to do is make love to you
11. Alannah Myles - Black Velvet
12. Linda Ronstadt - Don't Know Much
13. Snap - Power
14. Roxette - Dangerous
15. Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fire
16. Rod Stewart - Downtown Train
17. B-52´s - Roam
18. Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby
19. Michael Bolton - How Can We Be Lovers
20. M.C. Hammer - U Can't Touch This
21. Phil Collins - i wish it would rain down
22. Phil Collins - Something Happened on the Way to Heaven
23. Aerosmith - Janie's Got A Gun
24. Taylor Dayne - I'll Be Your Shelter
25. Tom Petty - Free Fallin'
26. Go West - The King of Wishful Thinking (1990)
27. Technotronic - Get Up! (Before The Night Is Over)
28. Gloria Estefan - Here We Are
29. Faith No More - Epic
30. Jive Bunny and The Mastermixers - Swing The Mood

1991 - (1991 Top 100 List)
1. Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You
2. C C Music Factory ☆ Everybody Dance Now
3. EMF - unbelievable
4. Extreme - More Than Words
5. Amy Grant - Baby Baby
6. Bette Midler - From A Distance
7. Jesus Jones - Right Here, Right Now
8. Roxette - Joyride
9. Amy Grant - Every Heartbeat
10. London beat - I've Been Thinking About You
11. R.E.M. - Losing My Religion
12. Scorpions - Wind of Change
13. Roxette - Fading like A Flower
14. Extreme - Hole HEarted
15. Michael Bolton - Love Is A Wonderful Thing
16. Rod Stewart - Rhythm Of My Heart
17. Divinyls - I Touch Myself
18. Bryan Adams - Can't Stop This Thing We Started
19. The KLF - 3AM Eternal
20. Enigma - Sadness Part 1
21. Prince - Cream
22. UB40 - Here I Am (Come & Take Me)
23. Seal - Crazy
24. Chris Issak - Wicked Game
25. INXS - Disappear
26. Dee Lite - Groove Is In The Heart
27. George Michael - Freedom '90
28. Rod Stewart - The Motown Song
29. R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People

Monday, 7 April 2008

80's Memories / Flashbacks

Tonight I've decided to start of with what music / songs I first remember actually paying any attention to when I was alot younger to current:

1987 - (Selected from here)
1. Crowded House - Don't dream It's over
2. Steve Winwood - "The Finer Things"
3. Cutting Crew - I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight
4. Suzanne Vega - "Luka"
5. Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian
6. Alone - Heart
7. Whitney Houston - "I Wanna Dance with Somebody"
8. Starship - Nothing´s Gonna Stop Us Now
9. Bruce Hornsby & The Range - The Way It Is
10. Bon Jovi - Living on a Prayer
11. Los Lobos - La Bamba
12. U2 - With Or Without You
13. Tiffany - I Think We're Alone Now
14. Billy Idol - Mony Mony
15. Chris De Burgh - Lady In Red
16. U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
17. Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes - (I've Had) The Time Of My Life
18. Club Nouveau - Lean On Me,
19. Madonna - Open your heart
20. Kim Wilde ~ You Keep Me Hangin' On
21. Samantha Fox - Touch Me (I Want Your Body)
22. Genesis - In too deep
23. Huey Lewis & The News - Hip To Be Square
24. Michael Jackson - Bad
25. Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead Or Alive
26. The Pretenders - Don't Get Me Wrong
27. Beastie Boys - (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right To Party
28. Pseudo Echo - Funky Town

1988 - (Selected from here)
1. Steve Earle - "Copperhead Road"
2. Guns N' Roses - "Sweet Child O' Mine"
3. Midnight Oil - Beds are Burning
4. Tracy Chapman - Fast Car
5. INXS - Need You Tonight
6. George Harrison - I've Got My Mind Set On You
7. Belinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth
8. Gloria Estefan feat - Anything For You
9. Cheap Trick - The Flame
10. Billy Ocean - Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car
11. The Escape Club - Wild wild west
12. Robert Palmer - Simply Irresistible
13. Eric Carmen - Hungry Eyes
14. Phil Collins - Groovy Kind of Love
15. Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry, Be Happy
16. UB40 - Red Red Wine
17. Bon Jovi-Bad Medicine
18. Beach Boys - Kokomo
19. INXS - Devil inside
20. Kylie Minogue - Locomotion
21. U2 - Desire
22. Terence trent d'arby - Sign your name
23. INXS - New Sensation
24. Elton John - Candle in the Wind
25. Foreigner - Say You Will
26. Icehouse - Electric Blue
27. Pet Shop Boys - Always On My Mind
28. Cher - I Found Someone
29. Never Tear Us Apart, INXS
30 . Steve Winwood - Valerie

1989 - (Selected from here)

1. Poison - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
2. Paula Abdul - Straight Up
3. Bette Midler - Wind Beneath My Wings
4. Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting
5. Roxette - The Look
6. Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy
7. Phil Collins - Two Hearts
8. Roxette - Listen to your heart
9. Simply Red - If you dont know me by now
10. Madonna - Like A Prayer
11. Martika - Toy Solider
12. Mike and the Mechanics - The Living Years
13. The Bangles - Eternal Flame
14. Tone Loc - Wild Thing
15. Bad English - When I See You Smile
16. Cher - If I Could Turn Back Time
17. Fine Young Cannibals - Good Thing
18. Michael Damian - Rock On
19. B-52's - Love Shack
20. Richard Marx - Satisfied
21. Madonna - Cherish
22. Natalie Cole - Miss You Like Crazy
23. R.E.M. - Stand
24. Aerosmith - Love In An Elevator
25. Bon Jovi - Lay Your Hands On Me
26. Edie Brickell & New Bohemians - What I Am
27. Guns N' Roses - Paradise City
28. Alice Cooper - Poison
29. Donna Summer - This Time I Know It's For Real
30. Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal

Songs that popped in my head during this flash back:

Huey Lewis and the News - The Power of Love

Belinda Carlisle - Leave A Light On

Phil Oakley - Together In Electric Dreams

Swinging on a star - Bruce Willis & Danny Aiello

The Drifters - Under The Boardwalk

Ghostbusters - Music Video

Billy Joel - Uptown Girl

Thursday, 3 April 2008

What am I listening to tonight ?

Looking over lastnight list of music, you probably think WTF from Country to Rammstein. Fact is I have a varied taste and it really comes down to how I'm feeling or, to tell you the truth, what pops in my mind / i remember, like tonight I'm starting of with ENYA, lets see where it takes me :)


1. Enya - Only Time
2. Enya - Anywhere Is
3. Sgt Barry Sadler - Ballad of the green beret
4. Enya - Sail Away
5. Europe - The Final Countdown (Live)
6. ABBA - Happy New Year
7. ABBA - Super Trouper
9. ABBA - The Piper (Super Trouper)
10. ABBA - ON AND ON AND ON ( Live Last Concert)
11. The Police - Every Breath You Take
12. The Police - Don't Stand So Close To Me
13. Cher - If I Could Turn Back Time
14. U2 - Vertigo: Video
15. U2 - With Or Without You
16. U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name
17. U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
18. U2 - Sweetest Thing: Video
19. The Cramberries - Zombie
20. The Cramberries - Just my imagination
21. The Cranberries - Linger
22. The Corrs - Runaway
23. The Corrs - So Young (Unplugged)
24. Scottish Music (Go the drums)
25. Battlefield Band in concert 2006
26. Scottish Music 2 - Unknown Band
27. The Corries - The Wild Mountain Thyme
28. The Corries Flower of Scotland (1975 ???)
29. The Corries Scotland The Brave (humorous)


1. Apocalypse Now - smell of napalm
2. Ghostbusters 2 - Court Scene "DOH, RAY EGON".
3. Final Countdown - Dog fight scene
4. River Dance Monkeys (Remix)
5. Riverdance (Eurovision Song Contest 1994 Dublin)

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

I'm Still Kicking / Alive

G'day All,

I'm been a tad lazy in putting up my Shortwave Frequency reports as when I actually have just been tuning to the few BIG players listening to news etc, so there nothing new to report. I can assure you that while I've been giving the ICOM R75 a break, the DEGEN DE1103 is performing perfectly. And I'm prolly going to give Band Scanning a break, and if i find a few hard to get frequecies / stations then I'll report them as I encounter them :)

In the mean time, I've been slightly addicted to YOUTUBE looking for bits and bobs. Initially I was adding these to the left side of the blog, but its hard to see when I've added new Videos or Music which I've found to make me laugh or enjoyed. So to make it easier I'll add a add blog entry listening ones I've found which I'd like to say :)


1. Dennis Leary - I'm an Asshole (Uncensored)
2. The Proclaimers - I would walk 500 Miles
3. Proclaimers - I'm on my way
4. Kenny Rodgers - Coward of the County
5. Kenny Rodgers - The Gambler
6. Kenny Rodgers - Lucille
7. Prodigy - Breathe
8. Prodigy - Firestarter
9. Midnight Oil - The Power & The Passion (1983)
10. Midnight Oil - Short Memory
11. Midnight Oil - US Forces (1982)
12. Rammstein - Du Hast Live from Volkerball
13. Rammstein - Du Hast - Music Video
14. Rammstein - Du Hast - Music Video (English)
15. Rammstein - feuer frei(XxX-soundtrack)
17. Hocus Pocus - Heres Johnny

1. Scooby stuck in snow life is four wheel drive
2. I-80 Interstate Accident's After Snow Storms

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Frequencies 24-Feburary-2008

Using DEGEN DE1103 - 10m Random Wire, QTH: Canberra

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
2310 1921 55555 AUS ABC NT Service(Alice Springs)
2310 1922 55545 AUS ABC NT Service(Tennant Creek)
2485 1923 55545 AUS ABC NT Service(Katherine)
3200 1927 35444 SWZ Trans World Radio - English
3230 1933 35433 US Family Radio Englis MP Preaching. Via Meyerton S Africa
3255 1935 35433 G BBC - English via Meyerton S Africa
3320 1937 25332 S Africa Radio Sondergrense, F Singer, MP, M Singer. Via Meyerton S Africa
3325 1941 34444 ?? Cant Make out Language, Cultural Singing / Celebrating and a drum beat.
Somae Interference from Morse Code.
3335 1944 34333 PNG Radio East Sepik - English
3345 1945 23332 S Africa Channel Africa (non Englsih)
3395 1948 12232 ?? ??
3955 1950 34344 China R. Taiwan Intl. (German) - via Skelton UK
3975 1951 44334 Hungary R. Budapest - 2 x MP's
4770 1955 45444 Nigeria Radio Nigeria
4828 1957 45444 Zinbabwe Zinbabwe BC Corp
4840 1959 45544 ?? Carrier Signal, no modulation, stops 2000 UTC
4845 2002 35543 Mauritania R. Mauritanie News, F & MP - Arabic
4905 2004 54545 ?? French MP - Another cochanne3 faintly in background.
4930 2005 35443 Turkmenistan Turkmen Radio - (English) - MP introducing next song's Artist (Religous related).
4940 2008 25443 USA VOA via Sao Toma - English (W&C Africa).
4965 2009 43343 Zambia Voice of Africa - FP (Englsih) - Strong Digital Mode Interference.
5010 2012 45544 Madagasgar RTV Malagasy - Slightly Muffled / Overdriven Modulation.
M Singer and up beat/tempo Music.
5750 2017 45544 USA VOA - via Kuwait
5850 2021 45444 Canada Radio Canada Intl - (French) - Via Horby Sweden.
French MP's, STID clear given through out broadcast.

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Frequencies 15-February-2008

Using DEGEN DE1103 - 10m Random Wire, QTH: Canberra

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
2310 1920 55555 AUS ABC NT Service(Alice Springs)
2310 1925 55545 AUS ABC NT Service(Tennant Creek)
2485 1927 55545 AUS ABC NT Service(Katherine)
3200 1928 25342 SWZ Trans World Radio - English (Station ID 1930)
3360 1930 25321 ?? very faintly hear a Female voice repeating Phonic Alphabet.
3955 1936 45544 TWN Radio Taiwan Int. (German) - via Skelton UK
3985 1944 53444 IRN IRIB Teheran (clearly hear male and female presenter talking russian).
4770 1954 45333 NIG Listed as Radio Nigeria Kaduna - (English) - however this was not an english broadcast, so not able to confirm.
Listened for a while more and got drums almost chinese style. At 2000 English News was broadcasted, very noisy with Atmospheric noise and fade.
4905 2005 45444 TCD Rdiff.Nat. Tchadienne -(Instruments, good beat, sounds great, now their singing).
4950 2013 44434 USA VOA - English - (Listen Here) - (Station ID 2014) - Playing Music, very hip program, also like BBC top40)
Targerting Central Africa via Botswana.
A Digital Mode was interferring a little.

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Frequencies 08-February-2008

Using DEGEN DE1103 - 10m Random Wire, QTH: Canberra

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
4780 1915 45434 DJI RTV Djibouti (Arabic like, MP, Music, talking)
4975 1932 23331 ?? (Something there, SSB can't clear it up).
4965 1935 24332 ?? (Music, Talking, can't determine what language) ??
4930 1938 35443 USA VOA (via Botswana) (English - MP - slow speak, must be a Special English Broadcast. "Walmart has donated 1 million dollars".)
6195 1941 55545 G BBC - (English, some fade)
6185 1943 45444 CVA Radio Vaticana (Mustly a good signal, but some noise and constant, slight fade).
6175 1944 55545 USA WYFR Family Radio - (MP in arabic repeats several time - xxxxxxxxx Open Forum). A faint co-channel possibly speaking English in background Possibly Russia)
6150 1951 44444 USA VOA - English (Some co-channel interference, and fade, mostly a clean signal)
6130 1953 44444 RUS VOR - Russian (Muffled / overdriving FP)
6120 1955 44444 TUR Voice of Turkey. (Music, faint channel in background).

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Frequencies 03-February-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
17505 0448 35433 CHN CRI.
17525 0451 33444 HWA KWHR (slight QRM +5khz)
17800 0459 35544 D Deutsche Welle (Targeting Afica)
17820 0500 35544 AUS CVC International - (abrupt sign off 0500)
15110 0502 35544 KWT Radio Kuwait (English)
15259 0504 25332 AUS CVC International (mostly distance, but some good fade in)
15285 0506 35443 ARS BSKSA Riad (Swahili - Targeting East Africa) - Muffled with some QRN.
15515 0513 55555 AUS R. Australia (Cricket)
13690 0515 55555 AUS R. Australia (Cricket)
13740 0516 35533 IRN IRIB Teheran
13800 0517 25432 IRN IRIB Teheran
9700 0526 35433 TUR Voice of Turkey (some QRN from storms)
9495 0531 35433 GEO R.Rep.Abkhazia - (Listen Here) - (Unconfirmed, is whats listed under EIBI)
7190 0624 35343 TUN RTT Tunis (some QRN from storms)

Frequencies 02-February-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
7240 1915 55555 AUS R. Australia (1930 UTC signal declined to 35433)
7250 1942 55545 CVA Radio Vaticana
7290 1950 33333 RUS Voice of Russia (Interference from adj channel, and modulation is very faint, were as the carrier signal is strong).
7325 2000 54445 EGY ERTU Radio Cairo - (Listen Here) - Slight co-channel interference from BBC (Russian)
7365 2008 45444 CVA Radio Vaticana
7375 2009 45544 USA Radio Farda (Music)
7420 2010 55545 S Radio Sweden (Swedish - Listen Here)
7450 2017 33343 GRC ERT3 Makedonias - (Listen Here) - Interference from Digital Mode.
7540 2021 55444 CLA Denge Mezopotamia (music / singing) - (Listen Here)
5835 2111 24442 USA Radio Free Asia - Faint, can hear MP.
5885 2112 35433 CVA Radio Vaticana - English
5905 2116 55545 D Deutsche Welle (Arabic)
5945 2118 34434 AUT Radio Austria Int. (German)
6120 2122 44444 TUR Voice of Turkey - slight Co and adj channel interference

Friday, 1 February 2008

Australia Day Long Weekend -Thredbo Camp 2008

G'day All,

The wife and I just had a fantastic, relaxing long weekend camping at Thredbo, kosciusko National Park. We normally go June Long Week (Ski season opening weekend), but descided to see how looked during Summer. We'll I got out of work early Friday 25th January 2008, packed the 4x4 and hooked up the Camper Popup Trailer. As we got nearer to the camp grounds after fairly light traffic, we started asking ourselves "How busy is this camp ground going to be?", As we started to decend down the dirt track into the camp ground we were greeted by a fairly busy camp ground. Most of good camp sites were already taken, especially the one we use during winter. But that said, I spotted a good spot that noone had used as it was on a slope, but I had spotted a rock which hopefully would level out the camper trailer.

Well it worked, here our little setup and if you look under the tyres / axel, you can see on the far side the wheel on the rock.

What does Thredbo have to offer, well there are are few walking track nearby, and fair number more a small drive away which are great during summer. During Winter it SKI SEASON on the slopes. There also fishing for trout in the Thredbo river a short walk away and also during summer if you brave enough swimming in the Thredbo river.

But for me and my wife, this camp was all about kicking back, listen to the radio, drink a few beers, read a book, drink a few beers, and just catch up on that over due sleep :)

One of the other BIG likes we both love about camping and that is the camp fire. With the national park, your suppose to bring in your own wood, but many campers just go for short drives and fill there boots with wood. Me on the other hand, I don't need a flaring, raging, skin roasting fire which a couple of camp sites had..... Nooooo, I normally just use a pile of BBQ / Webber hot rock coals and when that gets going there a nice smokeless heat source which doesn't kill your night vision, and allows you to have heat and still admire the night sky and stars.

Well now on to the important side of the camp, and that was once again the DEGEN DE1103 performed like a little trooper. As you can see I had it with me as the sun was setting beside the fire :) Also you can just see the 10 meter wire antenna strung from the radio to the pole rope and then out and up high into a tree branch.

The Camp ground is not close to any residential properties and hence there is none to barely any RFI noise interference. Here is the frequencies I thought worthy of logging, as there was just toooooooo many :)

Frequencies 25-January-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
7190 0733 35444 TUN RTV Tunisienne
7220 0737 35444 HOL Radio Nederland
7245 0746 35434 TJK Voice of Tajik
9765 0755 45545 NZL Radio New Zealand Int.
7380 2304 35435 HOL Radio Nederland (News)
7560 2310 35444 USA WEWN
9170 2313 25443 CHN Central Peoples BS
9425 2316 55555 CHN CRI
9610 2320 35543 CHN CRI - (English News)
9660 2328 34543 AUS R. Australia
9740 2334 34543 G BBC
11955 2326 34534 G BBC

Frequencies 26-January-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station

<still to complete>

Frequencies 27-January-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station

<still to complete>

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Frequencies 23-January-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
15100 0910 44443 PAK Radio Bulgaria - Over modulating / muffled - (Listen Here)
15185 0919 33333 IND AIR Delhi ?? - Carrier Signal No Broadcast ????
15210 0922 55555 CHN China Radio Int. - English News - (Listen Here)
15270 0925 22223 CHN China Radio Int. - English News - Interferrence by Possibly Taiwan on same freq.
15295 0927 55545 MLA Voice of Malaysia (Usual moderate Over driving / modulation)
15310 0930 24333 G BBC - via Thailand.
15360 0931 35444 AUS CVC International - News
15770 0934 45544 IND All India Radio
9550 9841 45544 RUS Voice of Russia - English Sign off 1000 UTC - (Listen Here)
9650 1003 35443 KRE Voice of Korea - Japanese - Slightly Muffled.
9680 1007 45533 INS Radio Rep. Indonesia 4 - English - (Listen Here).

Friday, 18 January 2008

Monitoring 13590khz - CVC International ?

On the newsgroup today one of the members pointed out he could usually hear CVC
International English broadcast, and the presenters had "Australian" accents, but
later found that it was possibly a S. African Broadcast from Zambia targetting
W.Africa, and was wondering if that was the case then why would they broadcast in
English ?

Well anyway, thought I would see what I heard on the freq for the next 24 hrs or so
and report it:

18/01/2008 - 0935 UTC - Faint signal used USB mode - (Listen Here)
18/01/2008 - 1047 UTC - CRI - Loud and Clear until 1059 UTC when CRI on 13580khz
targeting Oceania region had S20+ swaps this frequency -
(Listen Here)
18/01/2008 - 1241 UTC - Nothing Heard

... Bloody Alaram, Bloody well slept in have, got to wait till tomorrow to check 1700-2100

18/01/2008 - 2110 UTC - Nothing Heard
18/01/2008 - 2308 UTC - Nothing Heard
19/01/2008 - 0103 UTC - Nothing Heard - Some splatter from CRI 13580 khz
19/01/2008 - 1825 UTC - Nothing Heard

HF (Short wave) Moon Bounce - 19th / 20th January 2008

HAARP will be conducting an HF moon bounce experiment on January 19th and 20th. Here is the ARRL bulletin:

Article Excert:

On January 19, listen on 6.7925 MHz from 0500-0600 UTC, and on 7.4075 MHz from 0600-0700 UTC. On January 20, listen on 6.7925 MHz from 0630-0730 UTC and on 7.4075 MHz from 0730-0830 UTC (depending on frequency occupancy
at the time of operation, it may be necessary to adjust the frequency slightly).

Based on previous experiments, investigators believe it should be possible to hear the lunar echoes with a standard communications receiver and a simple 40 meter dipole antenna.

For my own benefit I've computed the equivalent AEDT (+11) from UTC:

19/01/2008 - 6.7925 MHz - 1600-1700 AEDT
19/01/2008 - 7.4075 MHz - 1700-1800 AEDT

20/01/2008 - 6.7925 MHz - 1730-1830 AEDT

20/01/2008 - 7.4075 MHz - 1830-1930 AEDT

I'm going to give it a go and see if I can hear anything with my bogged standard home setup. I'm also going to use USTREAM to stream and record what I may or may not hear :).

Stay Tuned !!

Saturday 19/01/2008 0630 UTC First Night Moon Bounce Test

19/01/2008 - 0500 - I can hear the tone on 6792.5 khz - (Listen Here) its ~ 2min 30 sec in
19/01/2008 - 0600 - I can hear the tone on 7407.5 khz - (Listen Here) its ~ 1min 35 sec in.
19/01/2008 - 0615 - Here another recording with the ICOM R75 - DSP Noise Reduction off - (Listen Here)
19/01/2008 - 0650 - Final 10 min of tone - (Listen Here)

Well there could be a bit of bad news, you see the moon hadn't actualy rose beyond Canberra Horizon, which means based on chatter in the news groups, that I probably would not have heard the echo, but was most likely hearing the Transmitter. I'm still waiting on a email confirmation from the Moon Bounce team.

Heres a true sample from a member from the USA, you can hear the Transmitter and then the echo - (Listen Here)

Heres also the Moon Bounce Report the team publish regarding the first attempt: Australia gets a mention :) but no confirmation yet. They clearly explain the timing sequence with the transmitter burst for 2 seconds and listen for echo for 3 seconds and this cycle starts at the top of the hour and repeats for the whole hour. So if I make sure my computer clock is accurate I should be able to confirm if I can indeed hear the echo of if its just been the transmitters via skywave.

Stay Tuned for Tonights attempt.

Sunday 20/01/2008 0630 UTC Next Night Moon Bounce Test

Well will the Atomic Clock application running, along side with Audacity, Spectrum Laboratory's Spectrum Waterfall Analyser tools I was ready to catch this Moon Bounce ECHO.

But alas!!! It was not meant to be!!!!

Firstly was 6792.5 khz and based on the timing sequences, what I'm actually hearing is the Transmission Tone, faintly, and no sign of the echo.

I have two recordings:

1. The first is a screen video capture of the Atom Clock Software and the radios audio for audio to show the timings - (Listen Here)

2. is just an mp3 recording of similar period - (Listen Here)

Secondly the 7407.5 khz frequency had slightly louder tones, but still no detectable echo :( There was a couple of jokers also that played CW a few times :(

Like before two Recordings:

1. Video of Atomic Clock and Audio - (Listen Here)

2. Audio Only Mp3 - (Listen Here)

3 & 4: Screen Shots of Waterfall using Spectrum Lab.

Capt01 -
Capt02 -

Here is a screen capture of the Waterfall Spectrum for the last minute for Moon Bounce 2008:

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Frequencies 15-January-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
5900 1128 55555 BUL Radio Bulgaria

Tuesday, 15 January 2008


Came across "WEATHER SERVICE HAMBURG" 15/01/2008 1132 UTC on 10100.8 khz, USB, 50 baud and 450 shift. The frequency was very quiet there was no signal strength but the RTTY data was 90% copied.

After a little research I located the Hamburg RTTY Schedule which is a PDF detail the RTTY frequencies and broadcasts times.

Also the original site where I got the above link was here European Weather Forecasts.

Here a sample of what I copied:

15.01.-008 6 UTC:


&DWD FORECAST OF TU, 15/01/2008 0 UTC:

TU 15. 12Z:8S 3 / 0.5 M //
TK 15. 18Z: SE 4 / 0.5 M //
WE 16. 00Z: =' 4-50 / 0.5 M RAIN //
WE 16# 06Z: S 4-5 / 0.5 M //
WE 16. 12Z: S 4-5 / 0.5 M //
&223 16. 18Z: SE 6 / 7 1 M RAI //
TH 17. 00Z: SE-S WYAU X I W M RAIN //

... Fair bit more weather information ...

FREQUENCIES 4583 KHZ 7646 KHZ 10100.8 KHZ

Now while on the topic of RTTY Maritime broadcasts, is it just me or is there now (for a while actually) a very small number of Maritime RTTY broadcasts ?. It such a shame :(

Broad Sprectrum Noise on 40m Band

G'day Guys,

While listening to the 40m Band (~13/01/2008 1025 UTC) trying to catch VA7MLW Canadian sailing solo round the world, the band was a total wash out with this spectrum noise. I have a recording of this BLOODY annoying spectrum noise, which I was sure is OVER THE HORIZON RADAR (OTHR) or something very similar.

Heres the video recording of me performing a Bandscan from 7100khz down to 6500 khz - or an MP3 version here:

I put a call out to a couple of newsgroup forums and got confirmation that it was indeed an OTHR and is believed to emanate from China (Paracel Islands). I was also provided with a link to the follow website: Region 1 Intruder
. The website is full of interesting details of this and much other in-band nastiness.

If anyone else has encountered the same or similar BUZZ / spectrum noise share it with us, by leaving a comment with information on where/when you heard it and if you have a recordings of it send us the URL to the recording :)

While on the topic of OTHR's, I was given the following useful link which describes the Russian "Woodpecker" HF Radar. Also here is an interesting semi-technical description of OTHR systems. Although a fairly long read, it is nevertheless interesting and descriptive:


Sunday, 13 January 2008

Frequencies 13-January-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
17525 0451 45545 HWA KWHR World Harvest R.3
17530 0501 25442 USA Radio Free Afghanistan
17725 0511 35543 CHN China Radio Int.
17820 0515 35444 AUS CVC International
17855 0517 35544 CHN China Radio Int.
9410 0605 35544 G BBC (English - Targeting Africa via CYP)

Saturday, 12 January 2008


For the past month at least I've been checking in on the 40meter sked via 7104khz / 7097khz between VA7MLW and VK and ZL stations.

Heres a recording 12/01/2008 1220 UTC - (Listen Here).

Here is a small article (one of many out on the internet)


A Canadian radio amateur and sailor Glenn Wakefield, VA7MLW, is now south of
Australia as he continues his attempt to sail solo, non-stop around the world.
He has set out on his westerly circumnavigation trek from Victoria, British
Columbia and expects to take 10 months before returning to home port.

His 40-foot sloop called Kim Chow has had extensive modifications for the trip.
Glenn VA7MLW has reached Australia having rounded the southern tip of Tasmania
and at last report was in the Southern Ocean headed for the Falkland Islands.

He has been keeping regular skeds with Cliff ZL4AS, Richard ZL4QU and Ron ZL4RMF
AT 0930 UTC on the 40 meter band.

Glenn has an ICOM 802 SSB marine radio. After the skeds has been heard chatting
with VK radio amateurs and is hoping to engage in many QSOs with others before
ending his trip in July.

You can listen for VA7MLW on the usual 40 meter Maritime frequencies.

- Robert Broomhead, VK3KRB


Frequencies 12-January-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
17525 0345 25433 HWA KWHR World Harvest R.3
15195 0349 14332 J NHK Radio Japan
15260 0351 13332 IRN IRIB Teheran
15295 0352 34443 MLA Voice of Malaysia - (Listen Here)
15560 0404 24233 RUS Voice of Russia - (English)
15720 0406 24333 NZ RNZI
13690 0408 45544 AUS R. Australia
13740 0410 45534 IRN IRIB Teheran
7135 1116 55545 G BBC (Indonesian) via SNG
7255 1118 55545 THA Radio Thailand
7265 1119 54444 D Deutsche Welle

7280 1121 54334 CHN Voice of Strait (Same broadcast on 7305 China National Radio 1)
7305 1128 24343 CHN China National Radio 1
7325 1131 24233 PNG Wantok Radio Light (Lots of static dumps from near by storms).
7445 1133 25333 PAK Radio Pakistan -(Paying pop music "Betty Davies eyes").
7505 1136 25333 USA KTBN Salt Lake City, UT
7580 1140 35544 KRE Voice of Korea - (Japanese)
4895 1200 35433 IND AIR Kurseong - killed by 4900 1201UTC
4900 1201 44444 CHN Voice of Strait
4910 1203 23332 IND AIR Jaipur
4920 1204 22222 IND AIR Chennai
4920 1204 22223 IND CHN PBS Xizang
4925 1206 23332 INS RRI Jambi (Sumatera)
7105 2045 44434 G BBC (Russian)
7120 2051 14332 HOL Radio Nederland (English)
7140 2052 34333 G BBC - (Arabic) - (Listen Here)
7250 2101 45534 CVA Radio Vaticana (English) - (Listen Here)
7275 2109 34434 E Radio Exterior Espana - (Broadcast of Footy Match - Listen Here)
7295 2114 12331 MLA RTM Traxx FM ??? - Playing Pop Music.
7305 2125 14433 USA WYFR Family Radio - (French)
7375 2127 34433 USA Radio Farda - STID 2128UTC - Sign off 2130 UTC - (Listen Here)
7405 2133 24433 USA Voice of America (Targeting AFG, via KWT)
7425 2135 14433 USA Radio Liberty (Targeting EEu, via KWT)
7450 2136 14433 GRC ERT3 Makedonias
11935 2143 34433 D Deutsche Welle

Friday, 11 January 2008

Frequencies 11-January-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
12085 0840 34443 MNG Voice of Mongolia (Muffled) - (Listen Here)
9615 0854 12233 ALS KNLS Anchor Point - (Listen Here)
9570 0858 53444 KOR KBS World Radio - (Listen Here)
9550 0912 55544 RUS Voice of Russia - (Listen Here)
12035 2045 55545 E Radio Exterior Espana - (Listen Here)
11930 2050 15322 USA Radio Marti - (Targeting Cuba)
11915 2053 12222 ARS BSKSA Holy Quran - Servere HUM, non local noise
11880 2055 45434 AUS Radio Australia
11825 2057 12222 POR RdP Radio Portugal - (Listen Here), sound like a football match and a goal was scored.
Had to listen to it in USB as AM was just shockingly bad.
9775 2010 25534 POR RdP Radio Portugal - (Listen Here) - Thats a better copy :) Station ID 2116 UTC - (Listen Here).
9630 2125 25433 E Radio Exterior Espana
9585 2128 25544 USA Voice of America - Sign off 2130 UTC - (Listen Here) - Targeting Ukraine - Via Morocco
9555 2138 24533 ARS BSKSA 1
9420 2140 35534 GRC Voice of Greece - (Listen Here) - Female singer

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Sony CDX-GT260/GT360 In Action

G'day All,

After a couple people in the "" news group asked how the Sony CDX-GT260/360 performed, I've decided to post a couple of video of the Sony CDX GT260 AM/FM/SW car Radio which is installed in my wifes Suzuki.


Quick scan of SW2 from 9500 khz to 17500 khz. I just used quick scan, and am sure there would have been a fair few more stations picked up if I had manually scanned. - its a 15mb video approx 3min 30sec.


Shows what happens when the car starts / is running. Like I've said earlier a power supply filter / condenser may help fix this, but I haven't needed to worry about this. - its 5mb ~ 1min 30 sec

Picture 1:

Shows the external AM/FM whip antenna. Looks very similar to a 27mhz cb antenna.

Hope this helps


Frequencies 09-January-2008

Well I'm back Home in beautiful Canberra. So to to clarify all Radio Logs and Records made between 24th December 2007 and 07th January 2008 were made from Brisbane, Australia.

From now till my next holiday, all logs and records should be considered to have been made from Home QTH Canberra.

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
9820 0705 14232 TUR Voice of Turkey
9765 0709 42222 NZL RNZI. - (Listen Here) (Loud Carrier signal swamping RNZI, possibly TURKEY ??)
9740 0715 25433 EQA HCJB Voice of Andes - (German) - (Listen Here)
9700 0723 45544 TUR Voice of Turkey
9690 0724 25433 ROU Radio Romania Int. - (German) - Signed off 0726 - (Listen Here)
9625 0730 55545 HOL Radio Nederland
9595 0731 44544 USA Adventist World Radio - (Arabic) - (Station ID in many langauges)
9575 0733 24433 MRC Medi 1
9400 0735 45434 BUL Radio Bulgaria
5745 0925 35433 USA WYFR Family Radio (Spanish)
5835 0927 35433 USA WHRI World Harvest R.2 - (English)
5890 0928 45444 USA WWCR 4
5900 0930 55545 F Radio France Int. (Mandarin)
5920 0935 41242 USA WBOH Newport, NC - (AM - Bad Choppy / muffled) - (USB - 80% copy, still slightly muffied).
5935 0937 43443 USA WWCR 2 - (can hear Radio Rossii in background)
5950 0940 53544 USA WYFR Family Radio - (can hear VOR in background)
5980 0942 32233 USA Radio Marti
6890 0946 24443 USA WYFR Family Radio
7140 0949 34554 KRE Voice of Korea KCBS
7220 0952 54534 USA Radio Svoboda / Liberty - Russian - (Listen Here)

Brisbane QTH 2007

Brisbane QTH 2007
Heres my little Listening Post at Brisbane

Charlotte Pass August 2007

Charlotte Pass August 2007
The DEGEN 1103 in action on the ski slopes

Listening Post Thredbo

Listening Post Thredbo
Degen DE1103 and Long Wire - Thredbo Camp Site June 2007

Condamine Gorge - XMAS / NEW YEARS 2006

Condamine Gorge - XMAS / NEW YEARS 2006
Brother Robbie and I listening to the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race scheduled radio morning Check in. Those swags are very confortable.

Cold Night - Mum, Dad and Robbie at Lake St Clair on our Tassie Trip 2007

Cold Night - Mum, Dad and Robbie at Lake St Clair on our Tassie Trip 2007
It was a very cold night, but man that fire was bueatiful. Using the Sangean ATS-505 coupled with external 100ft wire for MW DXing.

New Years Eve 2005 - My Wife Tanya and I

New Years Eve 2005 - My Wife Tanya and I
You can see the FRG-7 we brought in my New Years as a Family. Starting with New Zealand / Melborne / Brisbane then lost count after that :) And it finished for me with BBC broadcast of chimes of Big Ben Clock from London.