Article Excert:
On January 19, listen on 6.7925 MHz from 0500-0600 UTC, and on 7.4075 MHz from 0600-0700 UTC. On January 20, listen on 6.7925 MHz from 0630-0730 UTC and on 7.4075 MHz from 0730-0830 UTC (depending on frequency occupancy
at the time of operation, it may be necessary to adjust the frequency slightly).
Based on previous experiments, investigators believe it should be possible to hear the lunar echoes with a standard communications receiver and a simple 40 meter dipole antenna.
For my own benefit I've computed the equivalent AEDT (+11) from UTC:
19/01/2008 - 6.7925 MHz - 1600-1700 AEDT
19/01/2008 -
7.4075 MHz - 1700-1800 AEDT
20/01/2008 - 6.7925 MHz - 1730-1830 AEDT
20/01/2008 -
7.4075 MHz - 1830-1930 AEDT
I'm going to give it a go and see if I can hear anything with my bogged standard home setup. I'm also going to use USTREAM to stream and record what I may or may not hear :).
Stay Tuned !!
19/01/2008 - 0500 - I can hear the tone on 6792.5 khz - (Listen Here) its ~ 2min 30 sec in
19/01/2008 - 0600 - I can hear the tone on 7407.5 khz - (Listen Here) its ~ 1min 35 sec in.
19/01/2008 - 0615 - Here another recording with the ICOM R75 - DSP Noise Reduction off - (Listen Here)
19/01/2008 - 0650 - Final 10 min of tone - (Listen Here)
Well there could be a bit of bad news, you see the moon hadn't actualy rose beyond Canberra Horizon, which means based on chatter in the news groups, that I probably would not have heard the echo, but was most likely hearing the Transmitter. I'm still waiting on a email confirmation from the Moon Bounce team.
Heres a true sample from a member from the USA, you can hear the Transmitter and then the echo - (Listen Here)
Heres also the Moon Bounce Report the team publish regarding the first attempt: Australia gets a mention :) but no confirmation yet. They clearly explain the timing sequence with the transmitter burst for 2 seconds and listen for echo for 3 seconds and this cycle starts at the top of the hour and repeats for the whole hour. So if I make sure my computer clock is accurate I should be able to confirm if I can indeed hear the echo of if its just been the transmitters via skywave.
Stay Tuned for Tonights attempt.
Well will the Atomic Clock application running, along side with Audacity, Spectrum Laboratory's Spectrum Waterfall Analyser tools I was ready to catch this Moon Bounce ECHO.
But alas!!! It was not meant to be!!!!
Firstly was 6792.5 khz and based on the timing sequences, what I'm actually hearing is the Transmission Tone, faintly, and no sign of the echo.
I have two recordings:
1. The first is a screen video capture of the Atom Clock Software and the radios audio for audio to show the timings - (Listen Here)
2. is just an mp3 recording of similar period - (Listen Here)
Secondly the 7407.5 khz frequency had slightly louder tones, but still no detectable echo :( There was a couple of jokers also that played CW a few times :(
Like before two Recordings:
1. Video of Atomic Clock and Audio - (Listen Here)
2. Audio Only Mp3 - (Listen Here)
3 & 4: Screen Shots of Waterfall using Spectrum Lab.
Capt01 -
Capt02 -
Here is a screen capture of the Waterfall Spectrum for the last minute for Moon Bounce 2008:

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