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Friday, 1 February 2008

Australia Day Long Weekend -Thredbo Camp 2008

G'day All,

The wife and I just had a fantastic, relaxing long weekend camping at Thredbo, kosciusko National Park. We normally go June Long Week (Ski season opening weekend), but descided to see how looked during Summer. We'll I got out of work early Friday 25th January 2008, packed the 4x4 and hooked up the Camper Popup Trailer. As we got nearer to the camp grounds after fairly light traffic, we started asking ourselves "How busy is this camp ground going to be?", As we started to decend down the dirt track into the camp ground we were greeted by a fairly busy camp ground. Most of good camp sites were already taken, especially the one we use during winter. But that said, I spotted a good spot that noone had used as it was on a slope, but I had spotted a rock which hopefully would level out the camper trailer.

Well it worked, here our little setup and if you look under the tyres / axel, you can see on the far side the wheel on the rock.

What does Thredbo have to offer, well there are are few walking track nearby, and fair number more a small drive away which are great during summer. During Winter it SKI SEASON on the slopes. There also fishing for trout in the Thredbo river a short walk away and also during summer if you brave enough swimming in the Thredbo river.

But for me and my wife, this camp was all about kicking back, listen to the radio, drink a few beers, read a book, drink a few beers, and just catch up on that over due sleep :)

One of the other BIG likes we both love about camping and that is the camp fire. With the national park, your suppose to bring in your own wood, but many campers just go for short drives and fill there boots with wood. Me on the other hand, I don't need a flaring, raging, skin roasting fire which a couple of camp sites had..... Nooooo, I normally just use a pile of BBQ / Webber hot rock coals and when that gets going there a nice smokeless heat source which doesn't kill your night vision, and allows you to have heat and still admire the night sky and stars.

Well now on to the important side of the camp, and that was once again the DEGEN DE1103 performed like a little trooper. As you can see I had it with me as the sun was setting beside the fire :) Also you can just see the 10 meter wire antenna strung from the radio to the pole rope and then out and up high into a tree branch.

The Camp ground is not close to any residential properties and hence there is none to barely any RFI noise interference. Here is the frequencies I thought worthy of logging, as there was just toooooooo many :)

Frequencies 25-January-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station
7190 0733 35444 TUN RTV Tunisienne
7220 0737 35444 HOL Radio Nederland
7245 0746 35434 TJK Voice of Tajik
9765 0755 45545 NZL Radio New Zealand Int.
7380 2304 35435 HOL Radio Nederland (News)
7560 2310 35444 USA WEWN
9170 2313 25443 CHN Central Peoples BS
9425 2316 55555 CHN CRI
9610 2320 35543 CHN CRI - (English News)
9660 2328 34543 AUS R. Australia
9740 2334 34543 G BBC
11955 2326 34534 G BBC

Frequencies 26-January-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station

<still to complete>

Frequencies 27-January-2008

khz UTC SINPO Country Station

<still to complete>

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Charlotte Pass August 2007
The DEGEN 1103 in action on the ski slopes

Listening Post Thredbo

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Degen DE1103 and Long Wire - Thredbo Camp Site June 2007

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New Years Eve 2005 - My Wife Tanya and I
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