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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Australia Ocean Racing S2H, M2L and M2H 2013

Its that time of the year again where during Christmas and New Year, I'll attempt to stream HF Communication audio from 4 Yacht Races held between Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart from my location here in Sunny Brisbane, Queensland. The main communications which occur during the races are the scheduled Yacht Position Reports (Sked).

The Audio Streams will only be available during the Racing events, so the first to kick us off will be Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race starting (26-Dec-2013).

Besides my own stream, there are usually a couple of other enthusiasts that also stream similar content:

Who Location Audio Links
AussieDrifter (Me) Brisbane, Qld
Australia Ocean Racing Communication 2013
Melbourne, Victoria

Race Sailing Instructions

Race Frequencies

Event Time
S2H Day
6516 4483
S2H Night
4483 6516
M2L & M2H Day
12305 8210
M2L & M2H Night
6218 4483

1. M2L and M2H yachts needing to make contact with Kordia (Charleville Radio) between schedules should do so on the standard calling channels listed below. These frequencies are also distress frequencies. For longer communications, a switch to one of the race frequencies may be required once communications have been established.

Frequency Period

4125 Night
6215 Day or Night
8291 Day
12290 Day

Race Schedules

Schedules (AEDT)
Event Day Night
S2H 0735, 12051, 1705 0005
M2L 1135, 1635 0535, 2235
M2H Westcoaster 1205, 1705 0605, 2305
M2H Eastcoaster 1235, 1735 0635, 2335

1 - Listening schedules will be conducted on 6516 kHz at 1205 hrs each day from 27th December until 2nd January 2014 on 6516 kHz.

Recorded Race Skeds

Date Time
Event Frequency
Audio Recording
26-Dec-2013 1130-1230 S2H 6516 Poor to Fair copy.
Here a samples of some checkins,
JBW was heard most of the time.
Prerace Sign on
26-Dec-2013 1905 S2H 4483 Fair copy of Sked.
Here is link to Audio.
27-Dec-2013 0005 S2H 4483 Good copy of Sked.
Here is link to Audio.
27-Dec-2013 0735 S2H 6515 Poor copy of Sked.
Here is link to Audio.
VK3VIM audio feed was great.
27-Dec-2013 1205 S2H 6515 Nothing Heard
VK3VIM audio feed was great.
Listening Sked
27-Dec-2013 1335-1445 M2L 12305 Good copy of Prerace Checkin.
Here is link to Audio.
Prerace Sign on
27-Dec-2013 1335-1445 Eastcoaster (M2H) 12305 See Above Prerace Sign on
27-Dec-2013 1335-1445 Westcoaster (M2H) 12305 See Above Prerace Sign on
27-Dec-2013 1635 M2L 12305 Good copy of Sked.
Here is link to Audio.
27-Dec-2013 1705 S2H 6515 Nothing Heard
VK3VIM audio feed was good.
27-Dec-2013 1705 Westcoaster (M2H) 12305 Good copy of Sked.
Here is link to Audio.
27-Dec-2013 1735 Eastcoaster (M2H) 12305 Copied Yachts fine, Kordia dropped out.
Here is link to Audio.
27-Dec-2013 2235 M2L 6218 Good copy of Sked.
Held on 4483.
Here is link to Audio.
27-Dec-2013 2305 Westcoaster (M2H) 6218 Good copy of Sked.
Held on 4483.
Here is link to Audio.
27-Dec-2013 2335 Eastcoaster (M2H) 6218 Good copy of Sked.
Held on 4483.
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 0005 S2H 4483 Fair copy of Sked.
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 0535 M2L 6218 Heard Kordia fine, but not yachts.
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 0605 Westcoaster (M2H) 6218 Heard Kordia fine, but yachts very faint.
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 0635 Eastcoaster (M2H) 6218 Heard Kordia fine, but not yachts.
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 0735 S2H 6515 Freq No good at this time.
Please goto VK3VIM audio feed.
28-Dec-2013 1135 M2L 12305 Heard Kordia fine, faint copy on yachts.
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 1205 Westcoaster (M2H) 12305 Heard Kordia fine, faint copy on yachts.
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 1205 S2H 6515 Freq No good at this time.
Please goto VK3VIM audio feed.
Listening Sked
28-Dec-2013 1235 Eastcoaster (M2H) 12305 Heard Kordia fine, faint copy on yachts.
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 1635 M2L 12305 Good copy of Sked.
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 1705 S2H 6515 Freq No good at this time.
Please goto VK3VIM audio feed.
28-Dec-2013 1705 Westcoaster (M2H) 12305 Heard Kordia fine, but yachts very faint.
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 1735 Eastcoaster (M2H) 12305 Good copy of Sked.
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 2235 M2L 6218 Heard Kordia fine, but yachts very faint.
Held on 4483.
Most yachts arrived.
Except Ariel 2...
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 2305 Westcoaster (M2H) 6218 Heard Kordia fine, but yachts very faint.
Held on 4483.
Here is link to Audio.
28-Dec-2013 2335 Eastcoaster (M2H) 6218 Good copy of Sked.
Held on 4483.
Here is link to Audio.
29-Dec-2013 0005 S2H 4483 Fair copy of Sked.
Here is link to Audio.
29-Dec-2013 0605 Westcoaster (M2H) 6218 Good copy of Sked.
Here is link to Audio.
29-Dec-2013 0635 Eastcoaster (M2H) 6218 Good copy of Sked.
Here is link to Audio.
29-Dec-2013 0735 S2H 6515 Freq No good at this time.
Please goto VK3VIM audio feed.
29-Dec-2013 1205 Westcoaster (M2H) 12305 Heard Kordia fine, but yachts very faint.
Here is link to Audio.
29-Dec-2013 1235 S2H 6515 Freq No good at this time.
Please goto VK3VIM audio feed.
Listening Sked
29-Dec-2013 1235 Eastcoaster (M2H) 12305 Heard Kordia fine, but yachts very faint.
Here is link to Audio.
29-Dec-2013 1705 S2H 6515 Freq No good at this time.
Please goto VK3VIM audio feed.
29-Dec-2013 1705 Westcoaster (M2H) 12305 Good copy of Sked.
Held on 4483.
Here is link to Audio.
29-Dec-2013 1735 Eastcoaster (M2H) 12305 Good copy of Sked.
Held on 4483.
Here is link to Audio.
29-Dec-2013 2305 Westcoaster (M2H) 6218 Kordia struggled with HF conditions.
Hobart Race Control helped
Held on 4483
Here is link to Audio.
29-Dec-2013 2335 Eastcoaster (M2H) 6218 Kordia struggled with HF conditions.
Held on 4483
Here is link to Audio.
30-Dec-2013 0005 S2H 4483 Fair Copy of Sked
Audio TBA
30-Dec-2013 0635 Eastcoaster (M2H) 6218 Kordia struggled with HF conditions.
Held on 4483,8294,8210khz.
Heard two yachts on 8210khz.
Here is link to Audio.
30-Dec-2013 1205 Eastcoaster (M2H) 6218 Kordia Faint. Bad HF Conditions Sked
30-Dec-2013 1235 Westcoaster (M2H) 6218 Kordia Faint. Bad HF Conditions Sked
30-Dec-2013 1735 Eastcoaster (M2H) 6218 Good copy of Sked.
Here is link to Audio.

Twitter Feeds

You can monitor the following twitter for latest news regarding the events.

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Brisbane QTH 2007

Brisbane QTH 2007
Heres my little Listening Post at Brisbane

Charlotte Pass August 2007

Charlotte Pass August 2007
The DEGEN 1103 in action on the ski slopes

Listening Post Thredbo

Listening Post Thredbo
Degen DE1103 and Long Wire - Thredbo Camp Site June 2007

Condamine Gorge - XMAS / NEW YEARS 2006

Condamine Gorge - XMAS / NEW YEARS 2006
Brother Robbie and I listening to the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race scheduled radio morning Check in. Those swags are very confortable.

Cold Night - Mum, Dad and Robbie at Lake St Clair on our Tassie Trip 2007

Cold Night - Mum, Dad and Robbie at Lake St Clair on our Tassie Trip 2007
It was a very cold night, but man that fire was bueatiful. Using the Sangean ATS-505 coupled with external 100ft wire for MW DXing.

New Years Eve 2005 - My Wife Tanya and I

New Years Eve 2005 - My Wife Tanya and I
You can see the FRG-7 we brought in my New Years as a Family. Starting with New Zealand / Melborne / Brisbane then lost count after that :) And it finished for me with BBC broadcast of chimes of Big Ben Clock from London.