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Friday, 31 December 2010

10 Meter Beacon Monitoring


For the last few days HF Conditions have been poor during the day here in Brisbane.  Today however I started checking the other lower bands then tuned into 27355 and here the old CB LSB call channel going off.   So I raced up to 10 m and done a scan and a few CW Beacon staying were coming through nice and cleanly.

Because I'm no expert yet in morse :( I rely on CW Skimmer v1.6 to decode the signals.  Well with no problems I decoded the following stations and with the help of "10 Meter Beacon List" got the correct frequency and have attached a recording of each:

1. 28256.5 khz - VK3RMH

2. 28260.0 khz - VK5WI

3. 28261.6 khz - VK2RSY

Well now that I found the 10m Bacon List, there was a stack of beacons listed round the world.  A great feature of CW Skimmer is its water fall display. Slowly tuning the bands, I could see more stations appearing on the display and very very faint on the headphones.  So thats what I'm do now, trying to get a few DX examples of the weaker signals.  Lets see how I go.

4. 28268 khz - VK8VF and also heard 1khz down VK7RSC

The audio stream I feeding up to USTREAM when its compressed is doing obvious bad things with weaker CW signals.  Sorry about that.  Maybe one day I'll get a nice Digital record and record cleaner samples :)

5. 28270 khz - I could here a signal key on for 4 sec, key off for 4 sec.  Looking at the list it will probably be "VK4RTL QTH TOWNSVILLE ,QLD" but with no station ID to be 100% sure.

Well it appears I can hear all from all of Australia except the western part.  I'll tune in this afternoon when WA normally would come through fro 10/11m.


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