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Friday, 31 December 2010

10 Meter Beacon Monitoring


For the last few days HF Conditions have been poor during the day here in Brisbane.  Today however I started checking the other lower bands then tuned into 27355 and here the old CB LSB call channel going off.   So I raced up to 10 m and done a scan and a few CW Beacon staying were coming through nice and cleanly.

Because I'm no expert yet in morse :( I rely on CW Skimmer v1.6 to decode the signals.  Well with no problems I decoded the following stations and with the help of "10 Meter Beacon List" got the correct frequency and have attached a recording of each:

1. 28256.5 khz - VK3RMH

2. 28260.0 khz - VK5WI

3. 28261.6 khz - VK2RSY

Well now that I found the 10m Bacon List, there was a stack of beacons listed round the world.  A great feature of CW Skimmer is its water fall display. Slowly tuning the bands, I could see more stations appearing on the display and very very faint on the headphones.  So thats what I'm do now, trying to get a few DX examples of the weaker signals.  Lets see how I go.

4. 28268 khz - VK8VF and also heard 1khz down VK7RSC

The audio stream I feeding up to USTREAM when its compressed is doing obvious bad things with weaker CW signals.  Sorry about that.  Maybe one day I'll get a nice Digital record and record cleaner samples :)

5. 28270 khz - I could here a signal key on for 4 sec, key off for 4 sec.  Looking at the list it will probably be "VK4RTL QTH TOWNSVILLE ,QLD" but with no station ID to be 100% sure.

Well it appears I can hear all from all of Australia except the western part.  I'll tune in this afternoon when WA normally would come through fro 10/11m.


Radio Caroline - Requesting UK MW Frequency Allocation


While researching Flag and Pennant Antennas again, looking for examples of how well the directivity is when used on 6516khz (~46m Band) I came across a bloke's (in Scotland) blog called "David Hamilitons TV and MW DX DIARY IN SCOTLAND".  Here is has recordings of his MW dx'ing using a Flag Antenna and other experiments.

However in his blog for "December 20th 2010" he has a recent video of Radio Caroline requesting a frequency allocation within UK's MW band.  Have a listen, it brought a smile to my face, on what Radio Caroline have to face in regards to good old  UK Politics.

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race 2010 - HF Comms Coverage Finished


We've just shut down the live HF Comms coverage / USTREAM Feeds for the 2010 Sydney Hobart Race.

If I was to give a quick review of how well our broadcasts were, from Brisbane end, my coverage of 6516 khz was fairly poor, due to poor HF Condition during the day.   However this is were having another HF Stream provided by VK2MPJ located near NOWRA, NSW was able to provide most of the time good coverage of the 6516khz (0735 and 1705 AEDT) Position Reports.  But even VK2MPJ had a few times where the HF Conditions did not play nice ;)

However for 4483 khz, I was able to provide great coverage of this frequency especially the 2305 Sked for M2H (East and West Coast Race) and M2L.  Aswell as the 0005 Sked for the S2H.

The ALA-1530 Loop antenna worked a treat as always. However the interference from 6518khz was just a pain in the arse.   Chatting with VK2MPJ I'm keen to test a couple of directional antenna designs such as Hex beam, Moxon and other possible wire beams antenna.   After a lot of research of locating a directional antenna over the last few month prior to the 2010 S2H Race, I found / digested / learnt a stack of info regarding beverages, flag / pennant and EWE antennas.  The main flaw with these antennas is that their directivity is only effective for the low HF / MW bands.  And Since I'm dealing with 6.516 Mhz I need a design that would be directional at this frequency.   So it looks like I have a year to get my act together and see if a Hex, Moxon or yagi (wire beam version) monoband cut /designed for 6516 khz will reduce the interference from 6518 (Voice of People of Korea).

Or I could always hope the Signal 6518 goes off-air or changes frequency :) :)  But since starting the HF coverage of  2007 S2H the 6518 khz has been a pain in the arse and hoping they'd go away each year, just doesn't seem to work.

On another note, it would be great to tee up a couple more people to provide HF and possible VHF coverage of the yacht race.  Its hard to say where exactly would be good, but at a stab in the dark, I would love someone at the following extra locations:

  • SE Corner VIC (Lakes Entrance, Sale .....) 
  • St Helens (NE Tas)
  • Hobart (HF and VHF Coverage)

I've just joined AURFSCAN and they have great forums for "Scanning and other communication" topics and especially appear to have a diverse set of members which may be a great possible means of locating people to give us a hand in providing HF / VHF Comms Coverage for S2H 2011......

Thats All Folks

Mark (AussieDrifter)

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race 2010 - Live HF Broadcast(s)

Hey all,

I've got the ICOM R75 and ALA-1530 loop antenna up and running to monitor the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race for 2010.

Here is the link to my USTREAM feed :

Here is a link to VK2MPJ USTREAM feed:

Hope you all enjoy the broadcasts :)


Saturday, 30 October 2010

In the Christmas Mood AGAIN - LIVE365


There is one thing that if you don't already know about me, is that I LOVE CHRISTMAS,  maybe not the busy shopping centres part though.  Having spent a few of childhood years growing up in Northern Ireland, I was privileged to have had a couple of snowy / icy (not quite true White Christmases), but whitish never the less. Now living in a southern hemisphere I have no snow for Xmas, unless I jet-set to the northern parts of the world. So Christmas music, good times with the family is what I love, presents, turkey, ham and lots of cold beer is my thing!

Over the years I've noticed that the music on the radio stations don't start playing lots of Xmas music any more till 2 weeks before Christmas. Unlike shopping centres at the start of October and the Xmas decoration are out already for sale.

Although the music doesn't start till just before Christmas, one of my favour sources of online internet radio is LIVE365 and here you have over 260 genres and over 10,000 radio stations to choose from. So if you head to the "Seasonal/Holiday" section you'll find a stack of 24/7 Christmas stations that at any time of the year you can get your Christmas fix ;)

Anyway, on one of of these stations I found a link to the follow video title "The Amazing Grace Christmas House - Official Version" its bloody brilliant and if it doesn't make your smile or laugh, then "bah!!! humbug!", nah just kidding :)

Well only 57 sleeps to go till Christmas  :) I wonder what I'm going to get this years from Mrs Clause.....

Take Care All, and seriously hope you enjoyed the video!


Monday, 4 October 2010

Interesting Antarctica Radio Articles, video and Dxpeditions


Antarctica popped in my head this afternoon and so I thought I have a wee look round to see what interesting videos and articles were around. I wasn't disappointed and here are some of the links I liked:

1. Antarctica Sun: Ham Radio Back in the Day

This is a fantastic story of how a young ham radio operator (and his brother(s)) helped to keep the navy persennel located in Antarctica back in touch with their families and loved ones via phone patch. All done with having great dedication and a big antenna for his day :)

2. Hamradio from the Antarctica area

This is a video presentation of various QSL cards, Sound recording and other bits and pieces from DXpeditions from the Antarctica area. Its well done and well worth a look.

3. VP8SSI Dxpedition 1992 Story

This video story documents what condition DXpedition groups are willing to put themselves in / through. I love the snow, blizzards, but in the confort of a bloody good shelter and a good heat source :)

4. Australian Antarctica Communications 1911-1985

A great insight / read of the introduction of VLF / HF and SAT comms to link Antarctica back to Australia.

5. Amateur Radio Call Signs of Antarctica

As the name suggests, list of call signs allocated to countries / dxpeditions when operating on or near antarctica.

I'm still looking though a few other articles, but these definitely had an impact on me :)

Take care All


Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Broad Spectrum RFI

Hey Guys,

This is a small post to report on a broad spectrum RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) that I've noticed since setting up my SWL radios and Antennas at my Brisbane QTH location. The RFI appears to start dead on 0900 AEST every morning and has a cycle of ~50 seconds and lasts for ~2-3 seconds burst. It appears to stop just before 1200 AEST.

The S-meter on both the Kenwood R1000 and ICOM R75 are pegged at S9+ for dipole antenna. So hoping that the magic of loop antenna would null out local RFI, I switched over to the Wellbrook ALA-1530 loop antenna and ..... BUGGER!!! its also pegged at S9+. Using the ICOM R75 I've tested each 500 khz between 2mhz and 60mhz and this RFI comes through them all.....

Here is a sample audio file of this RFI "0.5 mb : ~4min"

I'm not sure to what extent / distance this RFI is affecting and hope to take a drive round the area with the Sony Protable to see if I can hone in on the source.

If anyone has encountered or encountering a similar RFI pattern and could shed some possible light / answers I'd be most appreciated.


05-Oct-2010 - Update 1

I've been monitoring the RF interefence from when I wake up til I hit the sack sometimes near midnight and besides the period ~08:55 AEST til ~11:00 AEST they was no other sign of the RFI.   Well that was until early this morning when I coun't sleep and got up just before 01:00 AEST to do some WSPR work and band scanning.  Just after 01:00 (else I hadn't noticed it while setting up) the RFI appeared to start, yep!!!!! and went on for an hour and I gave up and got back into bed......  Got up just after 0600 and the RFI was not there, until the normal time 08:55.. Ahhhhh!!!!!! 

I need to sort this out !!!

06-Oct-2010 - Update 2

Morning Guys,

I've just been for a walk round the neighbourhood and as soon as I was a few houses away from home I noticed the RFI was not audible. so I walked a circle and up an down the streets clockwise and wouldn't you know, the bloody last powerline power two doors down appears to be the source.  I used my portable with the antenna in its down and locked position and standing under this pole and the RFI blasted your ears off. if only I had walked anticlock wise doh!!!! :)

Walked to the poles either side of it and the rfi is there slightly  and onto poles further either side and nothing.

The pole feeds power to 4 homes and a street lamp.  I've got the pole number so now going to get in touch with the power company "Energex" and somehow provide them problem / fault report.

Fingers crossed

Many thanks

Monday, 13 September 2010

Louisiade Yacht Rally 2010

While testing out my new homebrewed 2 Turn and Single Turn 1.6m Diameter Magnetic Loop Antennas, I was monitoring 4483 khz on Saturday 11th September 2010 evening and it appears a maritime net was being run and a series of yachts where giving their positions just north east of Cairns. Catching the end of the 18:30 sked, I waited to the morning sked at ~ 0730 (I think) but again was not able to hear which yacht net was being run, although it was fun listening the previous night to the the net controller onboard the yacht "Sanctuary". It was the net controller's birthday and he had a few best wishes given.

Anyhows last night Sunday, I did a little googling after hearing "something yacht rally" and quickly located the yacht names and website for the "Louisiade Yacht Rally 2010". The basic idea of the event is a bunch of yachta leave Cairns for the "Louisade Archipelago's" east of PNG. It provides yachtmen that have not had much blue water experience a safe and fun means to expose themselves, their crew and their yachts to the open ocean.

Tonight Monday 13th September 2010, listening into the the 18:30 sked, we heard moajority of yachts in the sked, and it appears that some will start arriving tomorrow morning somethime. They have had great sailing conditions with only a few incidents causing a couple of the yachts to retire and head back to cairns.

At the end of the day, I think this event is a fantastic one, as the event promotes a fun and safe culture for those looking to get exposed to / sample blue water.

Here is a mp3 audio sample of the tail end of sked "click here - 1.3 mb : 12 mins".


Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Hamsphere v2.0.x

After touring and living in the UK and Europe for the past 7 months the wife and I are back in Brisbane, QLD Australia :)

Having a look around some Shortwave and online HF rig web sites and forum after a long period of non-radio time, I stumbled onto the website and tool called "Hamsphere". This tool allows you to operator a virtual HF transceiver over the internet.

Creating my Hamsphere call sign "43HS626" and downloading the application I firstly eased my way into to it and sandbagging on a few frequencies / conversation between other members and actual Ham operators. I was hooked, and it gave me a buzz.

Just a moment ago I made my first Hamsphere QSL with "RW6XT" operator "Victor" located southern part of Russia. After a brief exchange of Signal and weather report we parted. I was pumped / hyped. Having just talked with a bloke in Russia, in albeit simulated HF radio conditions over the internet was bloody fantastic.

Cheers All, Hope to post more HF and shortwave scan / blogs as I get my antenna up and settled back in Oz.

Brisbane QTH 2007

Brisbane QTH 2007
Heres my little Listening Post at Brisbane

Charlotte Pass August 2007

Charlotte Pass August 2007
The DEGEN 1103 in action on the ski slopes

Listening Post Thredbo

Listening Post Thredbo
Degen DE1103 and Long Wire - Thredbo Camp Site June 2007

Condamine Gorge - XMAS / NEW YEARS 2006

Condamine Gorge - XMAS / NEW YEARS 2006
Brother Robbie and I listening to the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race scheduled radio morning Check in. Those swags are very confortable.

Cold Night - Mum, Dad and Robbie at Lake St Clair on our Tassie Trip 2007

Cold Night - Mum, Dad and Robbie at Lake St Clair on our Tassie Trip 2007
It was a very cold night, but man that fire was bueatiful. Using the Sangean ATS-505 coupled with external 100ft wire for MW DXing.

New Years Eve 2005 - My Wife Tanya and I

New Years Eve 2005 - My Wife Tanya and I
You can see the FRG-7 we brought in my New Years as a Family. Starting with New Zealand / Melborne / Brisbane then lost count after that :) And it finished for me with BBC broadcast of chimes of Big Ben Clock from London.