- Sydney, NSW - We'd really appreciate help providing VHF coverage of the start of the Race. As well as overage of HF coverage for the duration of race.
- Nowra, NSW
- Bateman Bay, NSW
- Eden, NSW
- St Helens, Tas
Listen Live to what I'm listening to !!
Head Over to My Broadcast Radio Station - Monitoring HF Maritime and Other HF Utility Comms
Thursday, 31 December 2015
HF/VHF Comms Streaming for S2H, M2D and M2H 2015 - Done For another Year
This year we had an additional member on the team "VK7ZCR" (Hobart, TAS) who help provide for the first time streaming of VHF Ch 81. This allowed us to monitor and provide coverage of the yachts as they reported rounding Tasman Island, passing Iron Pots and after they had crossed finished line. We loved the feed and are very much grateful for the coverage.
I've tried to compile as many of the Skeds audio recordings from each stream as I could and have linked them into my earlier post Australia Ocean Racing S2H, M2D and M2H 2015 - HF Comm Monitoring which contains the list of scheduled Skeds.
Big thanks to both "VK3VIM" (Melbourne, VIC) and "VK7VKT" (Hobart, TAS), the audio / signals that thier streams provided were once again great and very much appreciated and I would consider the heart of our coverage. We were able to hear most if not all of the allocated #S2H skeds via these streams.
However we definitely still have gaps in our coverage during the race during the daytime hours 0800 - 1600. To remedy this we are always looking for new members (both Amateur Operators and SWL's) to join the team and help provide streaming coverage of the HF and if possible VHF coverage from their location. If you are located in near any of the following areas and would like to participate next year please contact me via email (ozidrifterATgmail.com)
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Australia Ocean Racing S2H, M2D and M2H 2015 - HF Comm Monitoring
G'day All,
This year we are please to announce that the team has grown to 4 and together we'll be providing 6 audio streams monitoring HF Communication audio from the 4 Yacht Races held between Sydney/Melbourne and Hobart. The main communications which occur during the races are the scheduled Yacht Position Reports (a.k.a Skeds). You can find details of the scheduled position reports and HF Frequencies used below. One the new streams we'll be providing this year will be the monitoring of Marine VHF Ch 81. As the yachts round Tasman Island you'll be able to hear the VHF traffic as they approach the finishing line and dock.
The Audio Streams will only be available during the Racing events, so the first to kick us off will be Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race starting (26-Dec-2014 1300 AEDT) followed by the Other 3 races starting (27-Dec-2014 1230 AEDT). As the Skeds finish I'll provide feedback on the signals each station / location received as well as link to audio if the quality if of good standard. So please bookmark this page / blog and keep and eye on the latest communications we may receive.
The streams are as follows:
1. M2D and M2H yachts needing to make contact with Kordia (Charleville Radio) between schedules should do so on the standard calling channels listed below. These frequencies are also distress frequencies. For longer communications, a switch to one of the race frequencies may be required once communications have been established.
Frequency Period
4125 Night
6215 Day or Night
8291 Day
12290 Day
1 - Listening schedules will be conducted on 6516 kHz at 1205 hrs each day from 27th December until 2nd January 2014 on 6516 kHz.
Below is the full list of expected skeds. As each sked completes I'll provide a review of RF signal and audio quality which was received at each location and if the audio is of reasonable quality I'll provide a link to the extracted audio for the sked.
The Audio Streams will only be available during the Racing events, so the first to kick us off will be Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race starting (26-Dec-2014 1300 AEDT) followed by the Other 3 races starting (27-Dec-2014 1230 AEDT). As the Skeds finish I'll provide feedback on the signals each station / location received as well as link to audio if the quality if of good standard. So please bookmark this page / blog and keep and eye on the latest communications we may receive.
The streams are as follows:
Who | Location | Audio Links | Frequencies Covered(kHz) |
AussieDrifter (Me) | Brisbane, QLD |
VK7ZCR | Hobart, TAS |
VK7VKT | Hobart, TAS |
VK3VIM | Melbourne, VIC |
Race Sailing Instructions
- Sydney To Hobart (S2H)
- Melbourne to Devonport(M2D)
- Melbourne to Hobart
Race Frequencies
Event | Time (AEDT) |
Primary (kHz) |
Secondary (kHz) |
S2H | Day (0700-2000) |
6516 | 4483 |
S2H | Night (2000-0700) |
4483 | 6516 |
M2D & M2H | Day (0700-1800) |
12305 | 8210 |
M2D & M2H | Night (1800-0700) |
6218 | 4483 |
1. M2D and M2H yachts needing to make contact with Kordia (Charleville Radio) between schedules should do so on the standard calling channels listed below. These frequencies are also distress frequencies. For longer communications, a switch to one of the race frequencies may be required once communications have been established.
Frequency Period
4125 Night
6215 Day or Night
8291 Day
12290 Day
Race Schedules (aka Skeds)
Event | Day | Night |
S2H | 0735, 12051, 1705 | 0005 |
M2D | 0105, 0605 | 1205, 1805 |
M2HWC - Westcoaster | 0135, 0635 | 1235, 1835 |
M2HEC - Eastcoaster | Cancelled This Year |
1 - Listening schedules will be conducted on 6516 kHz at 1205 hrs each day from 27th December until 2nd January 2014 on 6516 kHz.
Recorded Race Skeds Comms
Below is the full list of expected skeds. As each sked completes I'll provide a review of RF signal and audio quality which was received at each location and if the audio is of reasonable quality I'll provide a link to the extracted audio for the sked.
Date | Time (AEDT) |
Event | Frequency (khz) |
Audio Recording Link |
Description |
26-Dec-2014 | 1130-1230 | S2H | 6516 | All streams received weak to no copy of the Prerace checkins. Brisbane: Listen Here to Weak Signal of JBW and Cougar 2. | Prerace Sign on |
26-Dec-2014 | 1905 | S2H | 6516 | Sked | |
27-Dec-2014 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 | Sked | |
27-Dec-2014 | 0735 | S2H | 6516 |
Sked |
27-Dec-2014 | 1205 | S2H | 6516 |
Listening Sked |
27-Dec-2014 | 1335-1435 | M2DM2HWCM2HEC | 12305 |
Prerace - CheckinSked |
27-Dec-2014 | 1705 | S2H | 6516 | Sked | |
27-Dec-2014 | 2005 | M2D | 12305 | Sked | |
27-Dec-2014 | 2035 | M2HWC | 12305 | Sked | |
28-Dec-2014 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 | Sked | |
28-Dec-2014 | 0105 | M2D | 6218 | Sked | |
28-Dec-2014 | 0135 | M2HWC | 6218 | Sked | |
28-Dec-2014 | 0605 | M2D | 6218 |
Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 0635 | M2HWC | 6218 |
Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 0735 | S2H | 6516 | Sked | |
28-Dec-2014 | 1205 | S2H | 6516 |
Listening Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 1205 | M2D | 12305 |
Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 1235 | M2HWC | 12305 |
Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 1705 | S2H | 6516 | Sked | |
28-Dec-2014 | 1805 | M2D | 12305 |
Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 1835 | M2HWC | 12305 |
Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 | Sked | |
29-Dec-2014 | 0105 | M2D | 6218 |
Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 0135 | M2HWC | 6218 |
Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 0605 | M2D | 6218 |
Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 0635 | M2HWC | 6218 |
Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 0735 | S2H | 6516 | Sked | |
29-Dec-2014 | 1205 | S2H | 6516 |
Listening Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 1235 | M2HWC | 12305 |
Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 1705 | S2H | 6516 |
Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 1835 | M2HWC | 12305 |
Sked |
30-Dec-2014 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 | Sked | |
30-Dec-2014 | 0135 | M2HWC | 6218 |
Sked |
30-Dec-2014 | 0635 | M2HWC | 6218 |
Sked |
30-Dec-2014 | 0735 | S2H | 6516 | Sked | |
30-Dec-2014 | 1205 | S2H | 6516 |
Listening Sked |
30-Dec-2014 | 1235 | M2HWC | 12305 |
Sked |
30-Dec-2014 | 1705 | S2H | 6516 | Sked | |
30-Dec-2014 | 1835 | M2HWC | 12305 |
Sked |
31-Dec-2014 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 | Note: Most of the fleet except for2 yachts have rounded Tasman Is last night @ ~2130 AEDT so the sked should be fairly short and sweet and considered to the the last we'll stream / monitor for 2015.. | Sked |
31-Dec-2014 | 0135 | M2HWC | 6218 |
Sked |
31-Dec-2014 | 0635 | M2HWC | 6218 |
Sked |
31-Dec-2014 | 0735 | S2H | 6516 | Sked |
Recorded Race Audio - NON-Sked Comms
Date | Time (AEDT) |
Stream | Frequency (khz) |
Audio Recording Link |
Description |
DD-MMM-YYYY | HHMMSS | Location | Frequency | Link to Audio | Description |
DD-MMM-YYYY | HHMMSS | Location | Frequency | Link to Audio | Description |
DD-MMM-YYYY | HHMMSS | Location | Frequency | Link to Audio | Description |
DD-MMM-YYYY | HHMMSS | Location | Frequency | Link to Audio | Description |
Twitter Feeds
You can monitor the following twitter for latest news regarding the events.Tuesday, 30 December 2014
HF Comms Streaming for S2H, M2D and M2H 2014 - Done For another Year
This year we had an additional new stream provided by "VK7VKT" (Hobart, TAS). While his signals were not strong at the start of the race, his reception of fleet got stronger as they reached near midway through until Hobart and it was finally great to hear it from the Hobart end of town.
As usually I was not able to offer much in support streaming audio for Sydney To Hobart during the day as the frequencies selected and times for the skeds meant I just was not able to copy them from Queensland. However I was able to stream 4483khz during the night and catch the 0005 #S2H Sked.
"VK3VIM" (Melbourne, VIC) Stream was once again brilliant even though he only streamed 6516khz. We were able to hear most if not all of the 0735, 1205 and 1705 AEDT #S2H skeds via this stream.
This year for Melbourne to Devonport / Hobart, the skeds were run again by "Charleville Radio" (Kordia) on more appropriate frequencies for daytime which I would at most times hear Kordia S9+ and the yachts albeit faint. At night they operated skeds on 6218khz and I was able to copy most of their skeds fine.
I've tried to compile as many of the Skeds audio recordings from each stream as I could and have linked them into my earlier post Australia Ocean Racing S2H, M2D and M2H 2014 - HF Comm Monitoring which contains the list of scheduled Skeds.
There was one very sad incident which the streams capture audio of (Melbourne: listen Hobart: listen ) and that was the Mayday call reporting the Photography Plane crash. See Sail-World news articles for further info:
So even though I've closed the QLD Streams down, I'll monitor the race frequencies and skeds for these 2 vessels until they arrive.
Once again big thanks to Tony "VK7VKT" and Grant "VK3VIM" for providing hardware (Radios, antenna, computer etc), resources (Broadband bandwidth, their time and effort to manage their streams) and I hope to see you both next year.
That's all Folks!!! Have a Happy New Year
Mark (AussieDrifter)
- Mistraal Mayday report of the downed aircraft
- Sydney Hobart - Report of light plane crash while photographing fleet

Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Australia Ocean Racing S2H, M2D and M2H 2014 - HF Comm Monitoring
G'day All,
This year we have 4 audio streams monitoring and streaming HF Communication audio from 4 Yacht Races held between Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart. The main communications which occur during the races are the scheduled Yacht Position Reports (Skeds).
The Audio Streams will only be available during the Racing events, so the first to kick us off will be Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race starting (26-Dec-2014 1300 AEDT) followed by the Other 3 races starting (27-Dec-2014 1230 AEDT).
The streams are as follows:
1. M2L and M2H yachts needing to make contact with Kordia (Charleville Radio) between schedules should do so on the standard calling channels listed below. These frequencies are also distress frequencies. For longer communications, a switch to one of the race frequencies may be required once communications have been established.
Frequency Period
4125 Night
6215 Day or Night
8291 Day
12290 Day
1 - Listening schedules will be conducted on 6516 kHz at 1205 hrs each day from 27th December until 2nd January 2014 on 6516 kHz.
The Audio Streams will only be available during the Racing events, so the first to kick us off will be Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race starting (26-Dec-2014 1300 AEDT) followed by the Other 3 races starting (27-Dec-2014 1230 AEDT).
The streams are as follows:
Who | Location | Audio Links | Frequencies Covered(kHz) |
VK7VKT | Hobart, TAS | S2H 4483, 6516 | |
VK3VIM | Melbourne, VIC | S2H 6516 kHz only(Voice MUTE enabled) | |
AussieDrifter (Me) | Brisbane, QLD | - Stream 3 - S2H 4483 and 6516 - Stream 4 - M2H/M2D 12305, 6218, 8210, 4483 |
Race Sailing Instructions
- Sydney To Hobart (S2H)
- Melbourne to Devonport(M2D)
- Melbourne to Hobart
Race Frequencies
Event | Time (AEDT) |
Primary (kHz) |
Secondary (kHz) |
S2H | Day (0700-1900) |
6516 | 4483 |
S2H | Night (1900-0700) |
4483 | 6516 |
M2D & M2H | Day (0700-1800) |
12305 | 8210 |
M2D & M2H | Night (1800-0700) |
6218 | 4483 |
1. M2L and M2H yachts needing to make contact with Kordia (Charleville Radio) between schedules should do so on the standard calling channels listed below. These frequencies are also distress frequencies. For longer communications, a switch to one of the race frequencies may be required once communications have been established.
Frequency Period
4125 Night
6215 Day or Night
8291 Day
12290 Day
Race Schedules
Event | Day | Night |
S2H | 0735, 12051, 1705 | 0005 |
M2D | 1135, 1635 | 0535, 2235 |
M2HWC - Westcoaster | 1205, 1705 | 0605, 2305 |
M2HEC - Eastcoaster | 1235, 1735 | 0635, 2335 |
1 - Listening schedules will be conducted on 6516 kHz at 1205 hrs each day from 27th December until 2nd January 2014 on 6516 kHz.
Recorded Race Skeds Comms
Date | Time (AEDT) |
Event | Frequency (khz) |
Audio Recording Link |
Description |
26-Dec-2014 | 1130-1230 | S2H | 6516 | Brisbane: Fair copy for first 20 min then faded. Here a samples of some checkins | Prerace Sign on |
26-Dec-2014 | 1905 | S2H | 4483 |
Sked |
27-Dec-2014 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 |
Sked |
27-Dec-2014 | 0735 | S2H | 6516 |
Sked |
27-Dec-2014 | 1205 | S2H | 6516 |
Listening Sked |
27-Dec-2014 | 1105-1215 | M2DM2HWCM2HEC | 12305 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Prerace Sign on |
27-Dec-2014 | 1635 | M2D | 12305 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
27-Dec-2014 | 1705 | S2H | 6516 |
Sked |
27-Dec-2014 | 1705 | M2HWC | 12305 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
27-Dec-2014 | 1735 | M2HEC | 12305 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
27-Dec-2014 | 2235 | M2D | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
27-Dec-2014 | 2305 | M2HWC | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
27-Dec-2014 | 2335 | M2HEC | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 |
Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 0535 | M2D | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here. Due to incorrect wakeup alarm and Windows OS forced reboot, I missed Bandit and 1st part of Caledonia position. | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 0605 | M2HWC | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 0635 | M2HEC | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 0735 | S2H | 6516 | Melbourne: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 1135 | M2D | 12305 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 1205 | M2HWC | 12305 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 1205 | S2H | 6516 |
Listening Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 1235 | M2HEC | 12305 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 1635 | M2D | 12305 | Brisbane: Good Copy (Charleville Radio was loud as usual however yachts were faint) - Listen Here | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 1705 | S2H | 6516 |
Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 1705 | M2HWC | 12305 | Brisbane: Good Copy (Charleville Radio was loud as usual however yachts were faint) - Listen Here | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 1735 | M2HEC | 12305 | Brisbane: Good Copy (Charleville Radio was loud as usual however yachts were faint) - Listen Here | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 2235 | M2D | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here - (Charleville Radio could not reach many yachts. Note - Most yachts had or were very close to having arrive at Devonport only a couple remained out and so no morning sked will most likely be needed). | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 2305 | M2HWC | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
28-Dec-2014 | 2335 | M2HEC | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 0605 | M2HWC | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 0635 | M2HEC | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 0735 | S2H | 6516 |
Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 1205 | M2HWC | 12305 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 1205 | S2H | 6516 |
Listening Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 1235 | M2HEC | 12305 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 1705 | S2H | 6516 |
Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 1705 | M2HWC | 12305 | Brisbane: Receiver incorrect Frequency - Listen Here | Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 1735 | M2HEC | 12305 | Brisbane: Receiver incorrect Frequency - no recording | Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 2305 | M2HWC | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
29-Dec-2014 | 2335 | M2HEC | 6218 | Brisbane: Good Copy - Listen Here | Sked |
30-Dec-2014 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 |
Sked |
30-Dec-2014 | 0605 | M2HEC | 6218 | Brisbane: Weak Copy - Listen Here. Frequency noisy had to utilise audio filter to clean up signal. | Sked |
30-Dec-2014 | 0635 | M2HEC | 6218 | No Sked Heard - assume yachts have arrived. | Sked |
30-Dec-2014 | 0735 | S2H | 6516 | Sked | |
30-Dec-2014 | 1705 | S2H | 6516 | Sked |
Recorded Race - NON Sked Comms
Date | Time (AEDT) |
Stream | Frequency (khz) |
Audio Recording Link |
Description |
26-Dec-2014 | 1116 | Hobart | 6516 | Download | Hobart Race Control at Pre Race Check in |
26-Dec-2014 | 1405 | Hobart | 6516 | Download | Hobart Race Control working JBW (not heard) |
26-Dec-2014 | 1842 | BrisbaneMelbourne | 6516 | Brisbane Download Melbourne Download | Yacht Triton Retires. |
27-Dec-2014 | 0839 | Melbourne | 6516 | Download | Ragamuffin Green Cape Declaration |
29-Dec-2014 | 1817 | MelbourneHobart | 6516 | Melbourne Download Hobart Download | Mistraal calls Mayday - Plane Crashed into Sea. For More details see Sail-World Reports: |
Twitter Feeds
You can monitor the following twitter for latest news regarding the events.Saturday, 20 December 2014
Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race 2014 - Prerace HF Testing (Charleville.....)
G'day All,
As most of you know before each S2H race yachts must perform prerace HF radio checks outlined via Race Notice to Competitors 3. This was performed during Dec 14th - 20th 2014. The Radio checks were performed on 6516khz were the Yachts attempt to successfully reach Newcastle Marine. This occurs during daytime 8:00 til 19:00 AEDT which means I barely can hear the traffic here in Brisbane Queensland. I did record all traffic on 6516khz on Dec 14th to see if I could get anything, and I was able to hear some traffic but very faint towards end of the day.
However interestingly this year while monitoring the S2H Web Site race documentation I saw Notice to Competitors 4 requesting all yachts to perform radio checks with Charleville Radio via 6215 khz 24hr and from there they will be directed to then test 4483 and 6516 khz. This is to occur 24hrs between 19 Dec 2014 until 22 Dec 2014. I started monitoring the HF Comms since 1430 AEDT Dec 20th 2014 and around 1800 AEDT started getting some good signals.
While monitoring it was interesting to hear the frustration on Charleville's end with them encountering "severe interference" on 6516khz which has plagued me since I started covering / broadcasting the S2H Yacht Race HF Comms over the last 8 years. There is a Asian Shortwave station that broadcasts on 6518khz which is only 2khz up from the primary S2H Yacht Race Frequency and from about 1700 AEDT until 0630 AEDT the channel has significant interference which even the best notch filter etc can not remove. Yachts were not able to complete testing of the 6516 frequency with Charleville radio.
I've extracted a fair few Yacht PreRace HF Comms tests with Charleville Radio but only for 6215 khz which is good enough to let you hear them. Over the next few days I'll monitoring and extract any worth while sample and add them to the folder below:
MP3 Sample of HF Comms between Yachts Charleville Radio.
Let me know what you think via twitter @OziDrifter :)
As most of you know before each S2H race yachts must perform prerace HF radio checks outlined via Race Notice to Competitors 3. This was performed during Dec 14th - 20th 2014. The Radio checks were performed on 6516khz were the Yachts attempt to successfully reach Newcastle Marine. This occurs during daytime 8:00 til 19:00 AEDT which means I barely can hear the traffic here in Brisbane Queensland. I did record all traffic on 6516khz on Dec 14th to see if I could get anything, and I was able to hear some traffic but very faint towards end of the day.
However interestingly this year while monitoring the S2H Web Site race documentation I saw Notice to Competitors 4 requesting all yachts to perform radio checks with Charleville Radio via 6215 khz 24hr and from there they will be directed to then test 4483 and 6516 khz. This is to occur 24hrs between 19 Dec 2014 until 22 Dec 2014. I started monitoring the HF Comms since 1430 AEDT Dec 20th 2014 and around 1800 AEDT started getting some good signals.
While monitoring it was interesting to hear the frustration on Charleville's end with them encountering "severe interference" on 6516khz which has plagued me since I started covering / broadcasting the S2H Yacht Race HF Comms over the last 8 years. There is a Asian Shortwave station that broadcasts on 6518khz which is only 2khz up from the primary S2H Yacht Race Frequency and from about 1700 AEDT until 0630 AEDT the channel has significant interference which even the best notch filter etc can not remove. Yachts were not able to complete testing of the 6516 frequency with Charleville radio.
I've extracted a fair few Yacht PreRace HF Comms tests with Charleville Radio but only for 6215 khz which is good enough to let you hear them. Over the next few days I'll monitoring and extract any worth while sample and add them to the folder below:
MP3 Sample of HF Comms between Yachts Charleville Radio.
Let me know what you think via twitter @OziDrifter :)
Monday, 30 December 2013
HF Comms Streaming for S2H, M2L and M2H 2013 - Done For another Year
I was not able to offer much in support streaming audio for Sydney To Hobart during the day as the frequencies selected and times for the skeds meant I just was not able to copy them from Queensland. However I was able to stream 4483khz during the night and catch the 0005 #S2H Sked but the signals were not the strongest for me.
"VK3VIM" (Victoria) Stream was once again brilliant and I was able to hear most if not all #S2H skeds via this stream. His stream even got international exposure via Radiopassoni.
This year for Melbourne to Launceston / Hobart the skeds were run by "Charleville Radio" (Kordia) on more appropriate frequencies for daytime which I would at most times hear Kordia S9+ and the yachts albeit faint. Albeit at night they operated skeds on 4483khz I was able to copy most of their skeds fine.
I've tried to compile as many of the Skeds as I could and have linked them into my earlier post which contains the list of scheduled Skeds.
Thats all Folks!!! Have a Happy New Year
Mark (AussieDrifter)
I was not able to offer much in support streaming audio for Sydney To Hobart during the day as the frequencies selected and times for the skeds meant I just was not able to copy them from Queensland. However I was able to stream 4483khz during the night and catch the 0005 #S2H Sked but the signals were not the strongest for me.
"VK3VIM" (Victoria) Stream was once again brilliant and I was able to hear most if not all #S2H skeds via this stream. His stream even got international exposure via Radiopassoni.
This year for Melbourne to Launceston / Hobart the skeds were run by "Charleville Radio" (Kordia) on more appropriate frequencies for daytime which I would at most times hear Kordia S9+ and the yachts albeit faint. Albeit at night they operated skeds on 4483khz I was able to copy most of their skeds fine.
I've tried to compile as many of the Skeds as I could and have linked them into my earlier post which contains the list of scheduled Skeds.
Thats all Folks!!! Have a Happy New Year
Mark (AussieDrifter)
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
SHOUTcast Hosting Services
I've just switched from "ListenToMyRadio (L2MR)" to "FastCast4U". L2MR have imposed now on their "free" account an Idle Time Out which means if I do not have active listeners after 90s or so the server will shut down. So I found FasyCast4u and they offer a cool free unlimited bandwidth 64kps service and their interface is fantastic. I'll update this post when I've got more time.
I've just switched from "ListenToMyRadio (L2MR)" to "FastCast4U". L2MR have imposed now on their "free" account an Idle Time Out which means if I do not have active listeners after 90s or so the server will shut down. So I found FasyCast4u and they offer a cool free unlimited bandwidth 64kps service and their interface is fantastic. I'll update this post when I've got more time.
Saturday, 21 December 2013
Australia Ocean Racing S2H, M2L and M2H 2013
Its that time of the year again where during Christmas and New Year, I'll attempt to stream HF Communication audio from 4 Yacht Races held between Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart from my location here in Sunny Brisbane, Queensland. The main communications which occur during the races are the scheduled Yacht Position Reports (Sked).
The Audio Streams will only be available during the Racing events, so the first to kick us off will be Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race starting (26-Dec-2013).
Besides my own stream, there are usually a couple of other enthusiasts that also stream similar content:
1. M2L and M2H yachts needing to make contact with Kordia (Charleville Radio) between schedules should do so on the standard calling channels listed below. These frequencies are also distress frequencies. For longer communications, a switch to one of the race frequencies may be required once communications have been established.
Frequency Period
4125 Night
6215 Day or Night
8291 Day
12290 Day
1 - Listening schedules will be conducted on 6516 kHz at 1205 hrs each day from 27th December until 2nd January 2014 on 6516 kHz.
The Audio Streams will only be available during the Racing events, so the first to kick us off will be Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race starting (26-Dec-2013).
Besides my own stream, there are usually a couple of other enthusiasts that also stream similar content:
Who | Location | Audio Links |
AussieDrifter (Me) | Brisbane, Qld | |
Australia Ocean Racing Communication 2013 (VK3VIM) |
Melbourne, Victoria | http://www.vk3vim.net/ |
Race Sailing Instructions
- Sydney To Hobart (S2H)
- Melbourne to Launceston (M2L)
- Melbourne to Hobart (M2H)
Race Frequencies
Event | Time (AEDT) |
Primary (kHz) |
Secondary (kHz) |
S2H | Day (0700-1900) |
6516 | 4483 |
S2H | Night (1900-0700) |
4483 | 6516 |
M2L & M2H | Day (0700-1800) |
12305 | 8210 |
M2L & M2H | Night (1800-0700) |
6218 | 4483 |
1. M2L and M2H yachts needing to make contact with Kordia (Charleville Radio) between schedules should do so on the standard calling channels listed below. These frequencies are also distress frequencies. For longer communications, a switch to one of the race frequencies may be required once communications have been established.
Frequency Period
4125 Night
6215 Day or Night
8291 Day
12290 Day
Race Schedules
Event | Day | Night |
S2H | 0735, 12051, 1705 | 0005 |
M2L | 1135, 1635 | 0535, 2235 |
M2H Westcoaster | 1205, 1705 | 0605, 2305 |
M2H Eastcoaster | 1235, 1735 | 0635, 2335 |
1 - Listening schedules will be conducted on 6516 kHz at 1205 hrs each day from 27th December until 2nd January 2014 on 6516 kHz.
Recorded Race Skeds
Date | Time (AEDT) | Event | Frequency (khz) | Audio Recording Link | Description |
26-Dec-2013 | 1130-1230 | S2H | 6516 | Poor to Fair copy. Here a samples of some checkins, JBW was heard most of the time. | Prerace Sign on |
26-Dec-2013 | 1905 | S2H | 4483 | Fair copy of Sked. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
27-Dec-2013 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 | Good copy of Sked. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
27-Dec-2013 | 0735 | S2H | 6515 | Poor copy of Sked. Here is link to Audio. VK3VIM audio feed was great. | Sked |
27-Dec-2013 | 1205 | S2H | 6515 | Nothing Heard VK3VIM audio feed was great. | Listening Sked |
27-Dec-2013 | 1335-1445 | M2L | 12305 | Good copy of Prerace Checkin. Here is link to Audio. | Prerace Sign on |
27-Dec-2013 | 1335-1445 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 12305 | See Above | Prerace Sign on |
27-Dec-2013 | 1335-1445 | Westcoaster (M2H) | 12305 | See Above | Prerace Sign on |
27-Dec-2013 | 1635 | M2L | 12305 | Good copy of Sked. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
27-Dec-2013 | 1705 | S2H | 6515 | Nothing Heard VK3VIM audio feed was good. | Sked |
27-Dec-2013 | 1705 | Westcoaster (M2H) | 12305 | Good copy of Sked. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
27-Dec-2013 | 1735 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 12305 | Copied Yachts fine, Kordia dropped out. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
27-Dec-2013 | 2235 | M2L | 6218 | Good copy of Sked. Held on 4483. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
27-Dec-2013 | 2305 | Westcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Good copy of Sked. Held on 4483. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
27-Dec-2013 | 2335 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Good copy of Sked. Held on 4483. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 | Fair copy of Sked. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 0535 | M2L | 6218 | Heard Kordia fine, but not yachts. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 0605 | Westcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Heard Kordia fine, but yachts very faint. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 0635 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Heard Kordia fine, but not yachts. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 0735 | S2H | 6515 | Freq No good at this time. Please goto VK3VIM audio feed. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 1135 | M2L | 12305 | Heard Kordia fine, faint copy on yachts. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 1205 | Westcoaster (M2H) | 12305 | Heard Kordia fine, faint copy on yachts. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 1205 | S2H | 6515 | Freq No good at this time. Please goto VK3VIM audio feed. | Listening Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 1235 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 12305 | Heard Kordia fine, faint copy on yachts. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 1635 | M2L | 12305 | Good copy of Sked. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 1705 | S2H | 6515 | Freq No good at this time. Please goto VK3VIM audio feed. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 1705 | Westcoaster (M2H) | 12305 | Heard Kordia fine, but yachts very faint. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 1735 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 12305 | Good copy of Sked. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 2235 | M2L | 6218 | Heard Kordia fine, but yachts very faint. Held on 4483. Most yachts arrived. Except Ariel 2... Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 2305 | Westcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Heard Kordia fine, but yachts very faint. Held on 4483. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
28-Dec-2013 | 2335 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Good copy of Sked. Held on 4483. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
29-Dec-2013 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 | Fair copy of Sked. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
29-Dec-2013 | 0605 | Westcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Good copy of Sked. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
29-Dec-2013 | 0635 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Good copy of Sked. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
29-Dec-2013 | 0735 | S2H | 6515 | Freq No good at this time. Please goto VK3VIM audio feed. | Sked |
29-Dec-2013 | 1205 | Westcoaster (M2H) | 12305 | Heard Kordia fine, but yachts very faint. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
29-Dec-2013 | 1235 | S2H | 6515 | Freq No good at this time. Please goto VK3VIM audio feed. | Listening Sked |
29-Dec-2013 | 1235 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 12305 | Heard Kordia fine, but yachts very faint. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
29-Dec-2013 | 1705 | S2H | 6515 | Freq No good at this time. Please goto VK3VIM audio feed. | Sked |
29-Dec-2013 | 1705 | Westcoaster (M2H) | 12305 | Good copy of Sked. Held on 4483. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
29-Dec-2013 | 1735 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 12305 | Good copy of Sked. Held on 4483. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
29-Dec-2013 | 2305 | Westcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Kordia struggled with HF conditions. Hobart Race Control helped Held on 4483 Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
29-Dec-2013 | 2335 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Kordia struggled with HF conditions. Held on 4483 Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
30-Dec-2013 | 0005 | S2H | 4483 | Fair Copy of Sked Audio TBA | Sked |
30-Dec-2013 | 0635 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Kordia struggled with HF conditions. Held on 4483,8294,8210khz. Heard two yachts on 8210khz. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
30-Dec-2013 | 1205 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Kordia Faint. Bad HF Conditions | Sked |
30-Dec-2013 | 1235 | Westcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Kordia Faint. Bad HF Conditions | Sked |
30-Dec-2013 | 1735 | Eastcoaster (M2H) | 6218 | Good copy of Sked. Here is link to Audio. | Sked |
Twitter Feeds
You can monitor the following twitter for latest news regarding the events.Sunday, 15 December 2013
Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race 2013 - Pre-Race Radio Check
Well The Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race 2013 (S2H) is not to far away. One of my tasks before the race to make sure my station equipment and software are up and running, and also to see how "if" any new antenna I may have put up during the year is working for race frequencies.
So before the S2H race starts I make use of the opportunity of the "Pre-race Radio Checks". This is where any yacht competing must test / certify their HF equipment and to do this they must make contact with "Marine Rescue Newcastle" and be of a certain distance from Newcastle and record a satisfactory radio signal report. These tests occur between 14-Dec-2013 and 22-Dec-2013 during 0800-1800 ADST and they attempt to test their HF Comms on both race frequencies 6516 khz and normally 4483 khz..
The only issue is with me being based up here in sunny Brisbane, these frequencies are not the best long distance ones for during the day and so it can be fairly frustrating. Never the less I'll continue to do what I started 7 years ago and that is attempt to broadcast the HF Comms of Sydney Hobart Yacht Race.
My process during this phase is recording the audio from 6516 khz and then race through the days audio quickly looking for "voice" or other "interesting" activity. If any thing of interest then I yank the audio segment out and if needed put it through a little audio clean up and will post examples below as I find them.
If you have any comments you can reach me via twitter @OziDrifter
Sample Pre-Race Radio Check Recordings
2013-12-14 14:14 - Unknown2013-12-15 15:31 - Duende
2013-12-15 16:16 - Deja Vu
2013-12-16 07:10 - TSA Management
2013-12-16 09:24 - Pretty Fly
2013-12-16 16:21 - Luna Sea
2013-12-17 10:13 - Mondo (possibly Dodo!)
2013-12-18 07:12 - Minerva
2013-12-18 07:23 - Wilparina
2013-12-18 07:33 - St Jude
2013-12-18 08:28 - Canute
2013-12-18 16:34 - Namadgi (Attempt 1)
2013-12-18 16:38 - Namadgi (Attempt 2)
2013-12-18 16:42 - Yacht Having Radio Issues
2013-12-18 16:47 - Nautical Circle
2013-12-18 16:59 - JBW
2013-12-20 16:44 - Ragamuffin 100
2013-12-21 08:35 - Beau Geste
2013-12-21 14:47 - Midnight Rambler
2013-12-21 16:19 - Titania of Cowes
All files available via My Public Dropbox Folder.
Sunday, 30 December 2012
Sydney/Melbourne To Hobart Yacht Races 2012 Sound Snippets
The following are some sound snippets I've been able to gather while monitoring / reviewing the Sydney/Melbourne To Hobart Yacht Races from my location / setup:
- M2H_201212272332_XLR8_BackInHeads.mp3
- M2H_EC_201212272335_sked.mp3
- M2H_EC_201212282335_sked.mp3
- M2H_EC_201212292335_sked.mp3
- M2H_WC_201212272305_sked.mp3
- M2H_WC_201212282305_sked.mp3
- M2H_WC_201212292305_sked.mp3
- S2H_201230_0425_Duende_RoundingTasmanIsland.mp3
- S2H_201230_0525_LunchTimeLegend_RoundingTasmanIsland.mp3
- S2H_201212272351_Love&War_Declaration.mp3
- S2H_201212280005_Sked.mp3
- S2H_201212280040_Aurora_Declaration.mp3
- S2H_201212280145_She_Declaration.mp3
- S2H_201212290005_Sked.mp3
- S2H_201212300005_Sked.mp3
Regards Mark(OziDrifter)
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Brisbane QTH 2007
Heres my little Listening Post at Brisbane
Charlotte Pass August 2007
The DEGEN 1103 in action on the ski slopes
Listening Post Thredbo

Degen DE1103 and Long Wire - Thredbo Camp Site June 2007
Condamine Gorge - XMAS / NEW YEARS 2006

Brother Robbie and I listening to the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race scheduled radio morning Check in. Those swags are very confortable.
Cold Night - Mum, Dad and Robbie at Lake St Clair on our Tassie Trip 2007

It was a very cold night, but man that fire was bueatiful. Using the Sangean ATS-505 coupled with external 100ft wire for MW DXing.
New Years Eve 2005 - My Wife Tanya and I

You can see the FRG-7 we brought in my New Years as a Family. Starting with New Zealand / Melborne / Brisbane then lost count after that :) And it finished for me with BBC broadcast of chimes of Big Ben Clock from London.