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Sunday, 30 December 2012

Sydney/Melbourne To Hobart Yacht Races 2012 Sound Snippets

The following are some sound snippets I've been able to gather while monitoring / reviewing the Sydney/Melbourne To Hobart Yacht Races from my location / setup:

  1. M2H_201212272332_XLR8_BackInHeads.mp3
  2. M2H_EC_201212272335_sked.mp3
  3. M2H_EC_201212282335_sked.mp3
  4. M2H_EC_201212292335_sked.mp3
  5. M2H_WC_201212272305_sked.mp3
  6. M2H_WC_201212282305_sked.mp3
  7. M2H_WC_201212292305_sked.mp3
  8. S2H_201230_0425_Duende_RoundingTasmanIsland.mp3
  9. S2H_201230_0525_LunchTimeLegend_RoundingTasmanIsland.mp3
  10. S2H_201212272351_Love&War_Declaration.mp3
  11. S2H_201212280005_Sked.mp3
  12. S2H_201212280040_Aurora_Declaration.mp3
  13. S2H_201212280145_She_Declaration.mp3
  14. S2H_201212290005_Sked.mp3
  15. S2H_201212300005_Sked.mp3
While I was able to pickup some traffic over the last few days, I was a little late this year in setting up the station. VK3VIM from near Melbourne done a fantastic job "Australian Yacht Racing Radio Guide" Which included links to his live HF comms streams.

Regards Mark(OziDrifter)

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012

Merry Xmas all and a happy New Year to all !!!!!.

A Bit of bad news :( with moving to a new QTH I'm in a very HF unfriendly environment and am not able to provide any HF Coverage of Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012.

That said, VK3VIM who has also been providing HF Comm Coverage / Streaming has gone to a lot of effort to provide live coverage of both the Primary (6516khz) and Secondary (4483khz) race frequency. Please head on over and take a look at his dedicated site for "Australian Yacht Racing Radio Guide" Which included links to his live HF comms streams which should be coming on line for race time fairly soon.

Again BIG!!! thanks to @grantstowell / VK3VIM for all the effort and time he's put in providing us with these HF comms / streams.

Update - 26/12/2012

VK3VIM has provided access to live stream via Listen2MyRadio - Listen Here

Update - 28/12/2012

I was able to put up an inverted V antenna (slighty OCF i.e. 1 leg shorter than the other) and has performed not too badly.  I've been broadcasting once again using "Listen2MyRadio" streaming services and my station link is:  Maritime Event HF Comms 2012

I've reviewed audio recordings recorded while the station is broadcasting and had located some sound snippets for your enjoyment. They are located here:

BTW Great news, one change to the Race Frequency usage was that the primary for night time is now 4483 khz and not 6516khz which had an very strong interfering Asian Broastcast station on 6518khz which has  plagued our enjoyable listening at night time for many years.

The stream will remain up till then end of the Sydney Hobart,  and I'll then see if I can provide coverage of the "2013 Pittwater-Coffs race"

Mark (AussieDrifter)

Brisbane QTH 2007

Brisbane QTH 2007
Heres my little Listening Post at Brisbane

Charlotte Pass August 2007

Charlotte Pass August 2007
The DEGEN 1103 in action on the ski slopes

Listening Post Thredbo

Listening Post Thredbo
Degen DE1103 and Long Wire - Thredbo Camp Site June 2007

Condamine Gorge - XMAS / NEW YEARS 2006

Condamine Gorge - XMAS / NEW YEARS 2006
Brother Robbie and I listening to the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race scheduled radio morning Check in. Those swags are very confortable.

Cold Night - Mum, Dad and Robbie at Lake St Clair on our Tassie Trip 2007

Cold Night - Mum, Dad and Robbie at Lake St Clair on our Tassie Trip 2007
It was a very cold night, but man that fire was bueatiful. Using the Sangean ATS-505 coupled with external 100ft wire for MW DXing.

New Years Eve 2005 - My Wife Tanya and I

New Years Eve 2005 - My Wife Tanya and I
You can see the FRG-7 we brought in my New Years as a Family. Starting with New Zealand / Melborne / Brisbane then lost count after that :) And it finished for me with BBC broadcast of chimes of Big Ben Clock from London.