Listen Live to what I'm listening to !!

Head Over to My Broadcast Radio Station - Monitoring HF Maritime and Other HF Utility Comms

Monday, 31 December 2007

Pittwater to Coffs Ocean Race Broadcast

G'day All,

I'll be giving it another go and will be attempting to broadcast the HF Comms for "Pittwater to Coffs Harbour Ocean Race 2008" - (Race details This race starts Jan 2nd 2008

Similar to The "Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race" they use 6516 khz (Primary) and 4483 khz (alternative) as race freq. The scheduled Skeds for position and weather reports can be found at the bottom of this post.

My Broadcast will start shortly after the Race has start or even slightly before. You can hear the broadcast from this blog above or you can go in directly to my USTREAM URL for the broadcast:


If there is anyone else who would be interested and willing to set up a broadcast and cover the race frequencies using USTREAM.TV as its free and fairly easy to setup and does not require any software to be install perse as it uses Flash program to broadcast sound and video. You can opt to broadcast just sound or both sound and video.

If you are willing to setup a broadcast for the whole approx 2 day race or just even for the Skeds, could you please let me know via (please note the double underscore).

The more the merrier as during Sydney to Hobart Race, the HF Propagation was poor at times, and if we can get people close to the race as well as interstate for the skip the better chance that one of the other broadcasts would the better to listen to.

One final note for those setting up a USTREAM TV broadcast, I've just created mine, and when it asked for the BROADCAST name of the show it spat the dummy at the word "Pittwater". So For the show name, try using hyphen or abrev such as PW.

Race Skeds

HF Comms / Race Frequencies - 6516kHz (or 4483kHz)

Jan 2nd 2005 AEDT hours Position Report

Jan 3rd 0005 AEDT Safety Report

0705 AEDT hours Position Report

1405 AEDT hours Position Report

2005 AEDT hours Position Report

Jan 4th 0005 AEDT hours Safety Report

0705 AEDT Position Report

Friday, 28 December 2007


I just meet up with this bloke (Digitaleb0la) via my Sydney to Hobart Race Broadcast Chat window and He's just setting up on USTREAM.TV but heres his web site and current broadcast.  Hes based on VICTORY Australia :)

Have a look and enjoy :)
He is still setting up so this link may not work at all time or may even change. If it doesn't try performing a search on USTREAM.TV for shortwave / NRD535.

Actually just checking back with him and he has several radios that he testing with :) ICR2500 Lucky fellow :)

s2h - 28/12/2007 0005 AEDT Sked.

Morning all,

Here is the 0005 Sked.

Part 1 -,x1nojtW48mdfdVUI2rfjd9pubw

Thursday, 27 December 2007

s2h - 27/12/2007 1705 AEDT Sked.

Here are the sked recordings:

Part 1 - Main Sked -,eOKpOkkDq3EQ
Part 2 - Weather -,a6xjxyO325KMhuQ
Part 3 - Other Traffic -

Enjoy :)

s2h - 27/12/2007 0735 AEDT Sked.

G'day all,

Here are sked records recordings:

Part 1 - Main Sked -
Part 2 - Weather -
Part 3 - Handicap Info -
Part 4 - a Warning -

Enjoy :)

s2h - 27/12/2007 0005 AEDT Sked.

The 0005 AEDT sked had nothing of interest to report.

0045 Wild Oats attempts to raise JBW and Tasmania Race Control to inform them that they are
at / near the Mandatory Reporting from 37* 15'South (Green Cape). However HF radio conditions
were very poor between Wild Oats and JBW. But i do believe they finally sorted it out:

Part 1 -,NxqMzJniqS2xUiuz
Part 2 -,TLrEn2

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

s2h - 26/12/2007 2005 AEDT Sked.

G'day all,

I was able to record the sked, have a listen and enjoy :)

Part 1 -,7IbhLBEyE4Ow
Part 2 -,gQM4bOmTem0Ia5
Part 3 -

Just before the sked, at approx 1945 AEDT "Mr Kite" declared they were retiring with
rudder problems - Listen Here.

Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2007

I will be attempting to broadcast the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race HF Radio Comms.

I will be monitoring the primary race frequency 6516 khz USB.

Unless there is lots of action the frequency will normally be quiet. The following is the details
of the skeds which will occur on primary race frequency: 6516 khz

2005 AEDT Dec 26th 2007
0735 AEDT 1705 AEDT Dec 27th 2007 onwards

JBW will commence transmission on 6516 khz two minutes prior to sked time with a long tuning call
and contact Hobart Race Control.

Vessel will report when called: its LAT/LON in DEGREES and WHOLE MINUTES (not decimal degrees) as

2000 AEDT Dec 26 2007
1700 AEDT Dec 27th 2007 onwards

If JBW does not repeat vessels NAME and LAT/LON or is incorrect, vessel shall stand by to end of

Listening Schedule will be performed on 4483 khz at 0005 each day from 27th Dec 2007 until 2
January 2006. Boats that have not reported in from the previous schedule will be called to make
a report.

Weather schedule will be conducted on 6516 khz each day from 27th Dec 2007 to 2nd Jan 2008 at
1205 AEDT.

Mandatory Reporting from 37* 15'South (Green Cape):
1. Assess HF Radio is operational and has a signal strength fit for the ensuring purpose
2. Required number of liferafts are on board
3. Engine and Batteries are operational
4. boat and crew are in satisfactory condition to continue.
5. Skipper has comprehensively considered the weather forecasts and considers boat and crew are
fully prepared.

When in the vicinity of Green Cape but no later than Gabo Island, vessel must call JBW and
communicate intentions.

Frequencies 25-December-2007

** NOTE Temp QTH - Brisbane **

Freq From To SINPO Country Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

12080 1432 1439 55555 Germany Radio Netherlands. (Transmission dropped 1439, was back 1450).
11840 1441 1450 35433 USA VoA Radio Ashna??5
11786 1451 1455 44444 Indonesia Voice of Indonesia
11760 1455 1500 35534 UK BBC - (sign off 1459)

Monday, 24 December 2007

Frequencies 24-December-2007

** NOTE Temp QTH - Brisbane **

Freq From To SINPO Country Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

5020 1008 1015 44444 Solomon Is. Solomon Islands B.C.
4870 1016 1020 35533 Indonesia RRI Wamena (Papua)
4790 1021 1023 35533 Indonesia RRI Fakfak (Irian Jaya)
4605 1024 1025 35533 Indonesia RRI Serui (Irian Jaya)
4460 1026 1027 45544 China China National Radio 1
3995 1029 1030 35533 Indonesia RRI Kendari (Sulawesi)
3945 1031 1035 35533 ? ??
4426 1045 1050 25443 USA USCG Pt Reyes (NMC)
7150 1050 1056 55544 China CRI (English)
3925 1117 1119 35543 Japan Radio Nikkei 1
11760 1140 1145 45544 UK BBC
11810 1146 1210 44544 Jordan Radio Jordan (Listen Here)

Sunday, 23 December 2007

Frequencies 23-December-2007

Freq      From    To    SINPO  Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

17700 0130 0134 35533 Germany DW (Russian)
17715 0135 0159 45544 Australia R. Australia

Saturday, 22 December 2007

Frequencies 22-December-2007

Freq      From    To    SINPO  Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

15205 0129 0135 05521 USA VOA
15240 0135 0136 55555 Australia R. Australia
15215 0136 0137 45544 Australia R. Australia
13690 0139 0205 45544 Australia R. Australia
13780 0205 0206 15332 China CRI
17495 0206 0207 25333 China CRI
17525 0207 0210 35544 USA KWHR
17545 0210 0211 05521 China China National Radio - 1
17625 0211 0215 25432 China China Business Radio
17750 0215 0216 25433 Australia R. Australia
17830 0218 0226 25423 Phillipines R. Veritas Asia (Russian) (Sign off 0226 UTC - Listen here)
15335 0305 0310 25433 UK BBC
15515 0311 0311 45544 Australia R. Australia
15560 0311 0315 35533 Russia VOR
15590 0316 0318 15532 USA Radio Liberty
9660 0337 0340 14322 Australia R. Australia
9690 0340 0342 14222 China CRI (English)
7190 0738 0802 35544 Tunisia RTT Tunis (Arabic - Listen Here)
7250 0803 0805 35544 Vatican State Radio Vaticana (Sign off - Listen Here)
7330 0816 0819 05342 Russia VOR (English)
7345 0819 0827 22433 Czech Republic Radio Prague (English - Listen Here)
7505 0831 0833 25433 USA KTBN
7580 0833 0835 15342 Korea Voice of Korea (Japanese)
11935 0842 0844 45534 Netherlands Radio Nederland
11840 0845 0845 45544 USA KTWR (Guam)
11750 0846 0849 55545 Australia HCJB Australia
11690 0850 0956 45434 Croatia Voice of Croatia (Listen Here)
13630 0858 0858 55555 Australia R. Australia - with abrupt sign off
13675 0859 0902 25432 France Radio France Int'l - (Listen Here).
9895 0904 0906 44434 Netherlands Radio Nederland
9885 0906 0909 45545 Germany DW
9675 0909 0955 55545 New Zealand RNZI
9740 0959 1010 55344 UK BBC (Co Channel interrence, USB clears up signal).

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Frequencies 19-December-2007

Freq      From    To    SINPO  Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

21670 1040 1048 35544 Saudi Arabia BSKSA Riad
21610 1048 1053 35544 Spain Radio Exterior Espana (Listen Here)
21495 1053 1055 15433 Saudi Arabia BSKSA Holy Quran

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Frequencies 18-December-2007

Freq From To SINPO Country Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

6518 1040 1110 22242 CLA Voice of the People (Listen Here)

This is very interesting in that I found this while monitoring 6516 khz (USB) which is the primary
race frequency for Sydney to Hobart Race. I hope this station does not interfere with the race
primary radio communication channel.

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Frequencies 15-December-2007

The bands are very noisy to day, My usually check is with he Time Code Channels and only 15Mhz
was barely receivable. I caught Search and Rescue being organised via 12.290MHz Australia SAR
was calling for any vessel within 4 hours of LAT/LON to call in via HF or via Sat phone ASAP.
But nothing else heard for a while so I've moved back to SWL to see what I can get on such a poor
raining morning :)

Freq From To SINPO Country Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

13780 2133 2140 25333 Dutch DW (English)
13845 2123 2145 25332 USA WWCR 2

Earlier this morning I intercepted the SAR request for a Geraldton based cruiser called Flashtown.
Later when I returned I intercepted the Racing Yacht Maximus encountering issues with her Keel.
Her are some recorded intercepts:,DfIBuVj0mDNRDReOA9xJ9acOzxqpS6,2q2Iw59sqzwHeWGPXWED

The story was finally covered by Sail-World "Maximus PAN-PAN".

Thursday, 13 December 2007

Frequencies 13-December-2007

Freq      From    To    SINPO  Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

9765 0900 0905 45544 New Zealand RNZI
7200 0911 0917 35533 Russia Radio Respubliki Sakha
7325 0924 0928 22232 PNG Wantok Radio Light (Had to use LSB to clear out lots of QRM).
7540 0931 0935 45534 USA WEWN Birmingham, AL
7580 0935 0938 35433 Korea KRE Voice of Korea (Japan).
6125 0941 1002 45444 EQA HCJB Voice of Andes. (Listen here) .Heavy QRM kicked in at 1000 UTC from China.
5980 1010 1015 34333 USA Radio Marti
5955 1015 1027 44333 China CRI.
5900 1027 1030 55545 France Radio France Intl. (Listen Here). Sign off 1030 UTC.
17510 1038 1042 55545 India AIR (All India Radio)
17615 1042 1044 35544 Saudi Arabia BSKSA Holy Quran.
17660 1044 1050 34444 Iran IRIB Teheran. (Listen Here). (Slight interf. from adj Channel)
17835 1050 1101 34333 Pakistan Radio Pakistan (Listen Here).

Saturday, 8 December 2007

Frequencies 07-December-2007

Freq      From    To    SINPO  Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

7450 2025 2040 45534 Greece ERT3 Makedonias (Listen Here)

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Frequencies 01-December-2007

I love the rain, and I a love thunderstorms, but not ever night / afternoon for the past 2 weeks.
OK it hasn't been every night /day but bloody well seems like it. Lets see how I go tonight, but
already its not looking good with light static dumps happening every seconds on 7,6,5 and MHz, 8
and about does seems to be as bad.

Freq From To SINPO Country Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

8763(usb) 0959 1015 35343 Thailand Bangkok Radio (Listen Here). Include Signature Tune start and finish.
Computer English marine weather broadcast starts at 1005 UTC.

6040 1020 1035 54444 Netherlands R. Nederlands.
11905 1105 1110 35543 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka BC.
13840 1113 1115 55545 New Zealand RNZI.
15310 1120 1122 35533 UK BBC
15400 1122 1124 35534 Australia HCJB Australia
15460 1125 1130 45544 Iran IRIB Teheran (Listen Here). Sign off 1130 UTC
15610 1135 1138 55545 Dutch DW (Deutsche Welle).
17490 1139 1141 25343 China CRI (English)
17615 1141 1143 35543 Saudi Arabia BSKSA Holy Quran
17845 1144 1156 35543 Romania Radio Romania Int. (Listen Here). Sign off 1156 UTC

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Frequencies 25-November-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

7540 0917 0921 35443 USA WEWN - Alabama (Spanish).

Friday, 23 November 2007

Frequencies 23-November-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
6300 0831 0902 25332 Pirate ?? Asian / Indian like chanting / music. (listen here).
6251 0904 0921 35422 Pirate ?? Singing, now Chinese Voice, too muffled.
9550 0925 0937 35544 Russia VOR - English News and Jazz Show
9355 0938 0945 35544 USA Radio Liberty (Russian)
7180 2132 2145 25433 Turkey Voice of Turkey

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Frequencies 21-November-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

5950 0703 0730 45434 China CRI (English) via Okeechobee (USA).
5920 0731 0754 24443 US WBOH, (Newport NC)
5755 0803 0810 35343 US KAIJ, Frisco TX (Bloody Thunderstorms, lightening Static is so annoying).

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Ute Hunting 20071120

Freq     From    To    Sig   Mode           Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

4907.5 1120 1121 100% USB ?? Female voice (Stating something Authenticated).

Frequencies 20-November-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

7150 1033 1046 35433 USA WYFR Family Radio (Japanese).
7200 1048 1051 45534 Russia Radio Respubliki (Russian).
7265 1051 1052 45544 Dutch DW (Russian)
7505 1054 1057 34533 USA KTBN
11920 1100 1102 45534 UK BBC (Indonesian).
11510 1102 1104 45534 Germany DW - via Kazakstan.
9920 1106 1112 35533 ?? ??

Monday, 19 November 2007

Frequencies 19-November-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

17805 0843 0900 45544 Russia VOR.

Sunday, 18 November 2007

Ute Hunting 20071119

Freq   From    To    Sig   Mode           Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

8185 0828 0835 100% CW ?? ?? - Encoded Transmission (5 Letter Grouping).

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Frequencies 17-November-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

12085 0940 0955 45433 Mongolia V. Mongolia
12065 0959 1005 55544 Netherlands R. Netherlands
7250 2110 2118 25443 Vatican State Vatican Radio - English

Friday, 16 November 2007

Ute Hunting 20071116

Freq   From    To    Sig  Mode           Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

4426 1034 1100 100% USB USA USCG - Marine Weather (NMC) ???

Frequencies 16-November-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

3935 0852 0855 35443 New Zealand Radio Reading Svc.
3925 0855 0904 45544 Japan Radio. Nikkei.
3905 0904 0908 45544 Papa New Guinea Radio New Ireland (News).
3560 0911 0930 45533 Korea ?? ???,
3335 0931 0940 34333 Papa New Guinea Radio East Sepik.
7255 1115 1120 55545 US VOA - Via Thailand Bangkok
7265 1120 1122 45545 Germany DW - Via Irkutsk Russia
7780 1123 1125 35533 US Family Radio
2625 1146 1200 45534 ?? Most Likely Australian WEFAX :(
4605 1220 1227 45534 Indonesia RRI - Serui Papua
6875 1238 1245 35533 ?? ?? Sounds African ?? - Signed off 1245
9975 2035 2045 25533 US WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee
9950 2045 2048 25533 India AIR, Delhi
9910 2048 2050 35343 India AIR, Aligarh (interf Digital Mode)
9830 2052 2100 33533 Jordan Radio Jordan (Arabic) - Sign off 2100

Monday, 12 November 2007

Ute Hunting 20071112

Freq   From    To    Sig  Mode           Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

6389 0735 0750 50% RTTY (850/75) Portugal Oeiras Navy ??

QSX 4 6 8 MHZ QSX 4 6 8 MHZ AR

6754 0822 0828 100% USB Canada Trenton Military Aviation Wx Rpt
6604 0829 0837 100% USB USA VOLMET - New York
6496.4 0842 ? 75% RTTY (850/75) Canada Halifax - Nova Scotia

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Ute Hunting 20071111

Freq   From    To    Sig  Mode          Country          Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

4316 1000 1006 75% USB USCG HF Voice (NMN) weather broadcast

Ute Hunting 20071110

Freq   From    To    Sig  Mode          Country        Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

8734 2200 2215 100% USB Olympia Radio Call us on 806 1232 1640 2217.

Saturday, 3 November 2007

Ute Hunting 20071103

Freq   From    To    Sig  Mode          Country        Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

8438 0730 0735 90% RTTY (850/75) Dutch Navy?? Decodes, but not sure what the data is
such as "12A 16A 06A 18A with other data)

Friday, 2 November 2007

Ute Hunting 20071101

Freq   From    To    Sig  Mode          Country        Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

11039 1130 1155 90% RTTY (50/450) Germany: CQ CQ CQ DE DDH47 DDH9 DFH8
8502 1220 1230 100% CW China XSG - Cable warning
8414 1231 1231 100% CW China XSQ - End of report Nil Warning.
8634 1244 1249 95% CW India VTG (Navy) - Weather Warning

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Frequencies 28-October-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country        Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

17675 0330 0335 35533 New Zealand RNZI
17525 0335 0400 45544 USA WHRI -(Bob Dx, Dxing with Cumbre)
17725 0401 0408 33323 China CRI - English (News)
17800 0408 0413 34333 Germany DW - (Dutch)
17820 0413 0415 45433 Australia CVC - Pop Music
17845 0414 0420 45544 India AIR - Music
17895 0420 0421 32333 Saudia Arabia BS of Kingdom (Holy Koran)

8051 0935 0950 25543 ?? CW - b7tz b7tz b7tz de 8pnx 8pnx ???

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Frequencies 14-October-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country        Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

6110 0806 0835 34433 CHL CVC Voz Cristian
6115 0835 0900 44544 Japan Radio Nikkei - Wind pipes Nice - Sign off 0900
6115 0900 0902 32343 China ?? Voice of Strait ??

Saturday, 25 August 2007

Frequencies 25-August-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country        Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)

17985 0455 0505 45544 Saudi Arabia BSKSA 1 (Holy Koran ??)
17820 0506 0508 34433 Australia CVC (Went of air ??)
17810 0508 0510 45544 Japan NHK (R. Japan)
17750 0510 0512 24433 Australia R. Australia
17720 0512 0515 45533 China CRI (Dutch)
17635 0515 0520 55545 Russia V. Russia (VOR)
17540 0522 0525 35533 China CRI (English)
17505 0525 0526 35533 China CRI (English)
15110 0545 0604 35533 Kuwait R. Kuwait (English) (Confirmed Station ID 0600
FADING becoming bad now.)
15295 0604 0606 45533 Malaysia V. Malaysia
15360 0606 0608 45544 UK BBC
13650 0608 0610 45533 US KWHR (Hawaii World Harvest Radio.)
11970 0620 0625 34333 Japan R. Japan (Dutch)

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Frequencies 14-August-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country     Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
5850 2052 2054 24333 Canada RCI (Radio Canada Int'l)
5905 2054 2058 45544 Holland Radio Nederland
9415 2325 2336 24343 USA VOA
9610 2336 2340 24343 Taiwan Radio Taiwan Int.
9670 2340 2345 24433 Philippine Radio Veritas Asia
9680 2345 2348 24443 USA Gospel For Asia
9705 2348 2351 24232 India AIR (All India Radio)
9740 2351 0002 35443 UK BBC

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Freqencies 05-August-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country     Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
11870 0310 0320 35443 Cuba R. Habana.
11855 0321 0329 33443 USA Family Radio
23442 UK BBC

Sunday, 29 July 2007

Frequencies 29-July-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country     Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
12010 0155 0159 45444 Russia VOR. (Russian but with spanish?, with sign of 0159)
11387 0200 0205 45444 Australia VOLMET - Sydney
11580 0206 0215 25442 Pakistan R. Pakistan
11590 0217 0227 35433 Israel KOL Israel
11675 0227 0230 35433 Sweden R. Sweden
11735 0231 0235 34444 India AIR (All India Radio)?
11790 0236 0300 45444 ? CVC - Voice of Asia (Planet 30 music Count Down) - Signed off 0300
11870 0302 0305 34443 ? VOA (Targeting Iran ??)
11875 0305 0308 23432 Cuba Radio Habana Cuba
9880 0310 0321 45544 Russia VOR (Eng) - SE Asia
9860 0321 0322 24422 Russia VOR (Eng) - N America
9690 0328 0331 45443 China CRI (Eng) - (Muffled / over Modulating)
9665 0331 0333 34443 Russia VOR (Eng) - N America
9635 0334 0337 45544 ? Radio Exterior Espana
9515 0338 0340 44434 Russia VOR (Eng) - N America
9445 0340 0344 25432 Czech Rep. R. Prague
9420 0344 0349 35433 Greece VOG
9400 0349 0350 25432 Bulgaria Radio Bulgaria

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Frequencies 26-July-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country     Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
5935 0805 0807 45454 USA WWCR.
5950 0808 0810 45545 USA Family Radio.
5985 0810 0812 43543 USA Family Radio.
5995 0812 0814 55445 Australia. R. Australia
6070 0815 0817 43243 Chile CVC-LA VOZ - Spanish
6095 0817 0826 55545 New Zealand RNZI
6150 0827 0832 45444 USA Dr Gene Scott
6160 0834 0841 23342 ? 2 x Different English Signals. Canada ??
6185 0841 0846 23322 China ??
6604 0849 0855 24432 US VOLMET - New York
6655 0856 0905 34443 Japan Aviation N. Pacific - Tokyo
5574 0910 0913 34444 US Aviation C. E. Pacific - San Fransico

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Frequencies 15-July-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country  Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
9570 0855 0858 45545 Korea KBS World Radio.
9605 0906 0910 25333 UK BBC (via Japan)
9740 0910 0912 44344 UK BBC (via Singapore)
9855 0913 0914 34434 Germany DW
9930 0914 0915 45544 USA WHRH
11565 0915 0916 45554 USA WHRH
11620 0916 0918 34433 China CRI - English
11650 0919 0922 45444 N. Mariana Is KFBS (via Saipan Island) (Russian)
11890 0925 0927 55545 Japan R. Japan (NHK)
11920 0927 0930 55545 Japan R. Japan (NHK)
11955 0930 0931 31122 Australia CVC - Darwin.
15770 0932 0935 45544 India AIR
15605 0935 0937 45544 Germany DW - (German, Talking about Harry Potter)
15295 0940 0942 45544 Malaysia V. Malaysia.
15210 0942 0945 55545 China CRI - English
7190 0947 0948 24433 China CRI
7505 0951 0953 34433 US KTBN
6400 0955 1005 34422 Korea PBS Pyongyang
6195 1006 1008 44433 UK BBC
6095 1008 1011 55545 New Zealand RNZI
6040 1011 1015 34333 Netherlands R. Netherlands
5910 1015 45433 UK Bible Voice. (via Petropavlosk Russia).

Sunday, 1 July 2007

Frequencies 31-June-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country  Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
9990 2201 2210 34433 Egypt R. Cairo. (Slightly muffled)
9925 2212 2220 34433 Croatia V. Croatia (Eng 2215-2230) STID 2215
9570 2230 2235 34333 USA VOA. (Special Eng)
9415 2236 2242 45444 USA VOA.
11725 2243 2245 35444 USA VOA.
11830 2245 2246 44444 Rome. Vatican Radio. (Sign off Tune)
15145 2250 2252 45544 USA VOA.
15185 2252 2253 35423 USA VOA.
15525 2254 2256 45534 Australia HCJB Australia.
15720 2256 2257 45434 New Zealand RNZI.

Friday, 29 June 2007

Frequencies 29-June-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country  Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
6020 1110 1114 55555 Australia R.Australia.
6080 1116 1119 44143 Singapore R. Singapore.
6195 1119 1121 54444 UK BBC.

Friday, 22 June 2007

Frequencies 22-June-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country  Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
21790 0705 0710 24422 Russia VOR.
17495 0710 0712 24433 Russia VOR.
17635 0712 0714 44434 Russia VOR.
17710 0714 0718 45544 China CRI.
17750 0718 0720 24433 Australia R. Australia.
15360 0725 55444 UK BBC.

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Frequencies 21-June-2007

Freq   From    To    SINPO  Country  Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
11530 0745 0750 24232 USA Family Radio - Arabic
11565 0750 0805 55545 USA WHR - Hawaii
11620 0808 0810 24222 China CRI.
11700 0815 0910 45444 Russia Radio SvoBoda. ?? - Russian
11710 0912 0915 24333 Japan R. Japan. NHK - Jap - via Shelton UK
11730 0915 0916 21222 Japan R. Japan. NHK - English
11740 0916 0917 54545 Japan R. Japan. NHK - Jap
11795 0925 0930 42233 Turkey R. Turkey. - Persian
11955 0940 0945 32233 Australia CVC - Darwin
12085 0948 1005 43434 ? V. Mongolia. Chinese / Eng from 1000 - 1030
9965 1005 1020 34233 Palau KHBN - Koror
9740 1020 1115 55545 UK BBC.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Frequencies 19-June-2007

Freq   From    To   SINPO  Country  Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
6110 0703 0740 34433 Chile CVC-LA VOZ, Santiago.
6150 0740 0800 34434 USA University Network - Costa Rica "ALT LINK"
6145 0749 0750 33333 Japan R. Japan NHK.
6165 0801 0804 34333 Japan R. Japan NHK - Russian.
6095 0903 0910 55555 New Zealand RNZI.
6020 0910 0912 55555 Australia R. Australia.
5995 0913 0914 54545 Australia R. Australia.
5980 0915 0920 33133 USA R. Marti. Delano, Californa
5960 0920 0921 32232 Chile CVC-LA VOZ, Santiago.
5935 0922 0930 44434 USA WWCR. Nashville Tennessee
5920 0930 0945 44444 Rusia R. Rossii.
5755 0949 0951 44244 USA KAIJ, Texas
5025 1005 1010 43343 Cuba R. Rebelde. Havana

Monday, 18 June 2007

Frequencies 18-June-2007

Freq   From    To   SINPO  Country  Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
9750 0710 0725 34433 Malaysia VOM.
9710 0725 0735 55545 Australia R. Australia.
9660 0738 0740 55435 Australia R. Australia.
9625 0742 0755 55545 Netherlands R. Netherlands via Bonaire
9570 0800 0810 34343 S. Korea KBS. via Soul
9505 0810 0825 44334 USA Family Radio. Spanish
9370 0825 0833 34423 USA WTJC - Newport NC (Faded / Lost 0833??)
7335 0845 0847 31433 Canada CHU - World Time
7335 0845 0855 33333 USA WHRI - Angel 1
7355 0856 0915 44434 USA KNLS - Anchor Pt, Alaska. ENG - 0857 then RUS
7505 0915 0925 45544 USA KTBN - Salt Lake City, UTAH
6195 0930 0940 44334 UK BBC -

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Frequencies 17-June-2007

Freq From To SINPO Country Station
(kHz) (UTC) (UTC)
17655 0410 0425 45534 USA World Harvest Radio - Angel 3
6155 0440 0525 35533 Austria Oesterreichischer Rundfunk
6110 0525 0555 32333 Japan NHK (English Broadcast)
6090 0605 0625 34423 USA ?? Family Radio ?? Except off by 5 kHz DRM BLASTED 0620 for 2 min
6080 0625 0635 33323 Africa VOA via "Sao Tome and Principe"
6060 0638 0655 34333 Cuba RHC - (News and Music)
5995 0830 0840 45544 Australia R. Australia - (New Insurance Protection, micro dots)
5985 0855 0905 32333 USA Family Radio -
5025 0905 1010 44435 Cuba Radio REBELDE - Music and Mixed Programming
6890 1012 1015 42243 US KNLS ( WCBC ) - Anchor Pt, Alaska
5905 1050 1105 45544 Netherlands DW via Neth Antilles
5940 1107 1115 31122 Russia R. Russia
5955 1115 1123 55444 China CRI.
6000 1123 1125 33343 Cuba RHC - (News and Music)
9900 1135 1140 55545 Netherlands DW via Russia, Irkutsk
9740 1140 1210 54545 UK BBC - Singapore

Brisbane QTH 2007

Brisbane QTH 2007
Heres my little Listening Post at Brisbane

Charlotte Pass August 2007

Charlotte Pass August 2007
The DEGEN 1103 in action on the ski slopes

Listening Post Thredbo

Listening Post Thredbo
Degen DE1103 and Long Wire - Thredbo Camp Site June 2007

Condamine Gorge - XMAS / NEW YEARS 2006

Condamine Gorge - XMAS / NEW YEARS 2006
Brother Robbie and I listening to the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race scheduled radio morning Check in. Those swags are very confortable.

Cold Night - Mum, Dad and Robbie at Lake St Clair on our Tassie Trip 2007

Cold Night - Mum, Dad and Robbie at Lake St Clair on our Tassie Trip 2007
It was a very cold night, but man that fire was bueatiful. Using the Sangean ATS-505 coupled with external 100ft wire for MW DXing.

New Years Eve 2005 - My Wife Tanya and I

New Years Eve 2005 - My Wife Tanya and I
You can see the FRG-7 we brought in my New Years as a Family. Starting with New Zealand / Melborne / Brisbane then lost count after that :) And it finished for me with BBC broadcast of chimes of Big Ben Clock from London.